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oduction currently (finally!) in full swing, Star Trek: Discovery e beaming onto your flat-screen TV in May, 2017. And before tart screaming and gnashing your Klingon gnashers, it’s been ears – what’s a few more months between friends?! adly, short of stealing a Klingon Bird-of-Prey and carrying out gshot maneuver around the sun, I’m afraid we’re all going to in there, just a little bit longer. ope the first episode doesn’t go out on May 4th, otherwise ans are going to be claiming it’s some kind of conspiracy…!) ic coincidence, May also marks the fifth anniversary of Star zine issue 40. That may not be a big deal to you (or, in all , anyone else,) but issue 40 – that’s #168 in UK money – was rst issue as editor. That’s a five-year mission, right there! es the time go? That’s what I’ll be telling myself until May… m Kirk, and with Star Trek: Discovery on the horizon, I won’t be promotion to the Admiralty anytime soon (although editing a s, technically, a desk job…). Instead, our continuing mission k Magazine will be to explore the strange new worlds of the , to seek out new features, and new interviewees, to boldly go other magazine can. meantime, we’ve got an issue packed with science officers, enetically-enhanced doctor, a podcaster, a salt monster, a candy-flavored Klingon, and some mad captains. That should keep you going. Buckle up, and Engage 3STAR TREK MAGAZINE EDITORIAL • Editor:ChristopherCooper • SeniorEditor:MartinEden • Designers:Amazing15 • Contributors: CharlesGrayandallatStarTrekOnline, MichaelClarke,ChrisDows,ChrisGardner,K.Stoddard Hayes,RichMatthews,LarryNemecek,MarkPhillips,Ian Spelling,BunnySummers,DerekTyler,AdamWalker, CalumWaddell,andTobyWeidmann. • SpecialThanks:BillBurke,BryanFuller • BadRobot:J.J.Abrams,BryanBurk,DamonLindelof, DavidBaronoff • CBSConsumerProducts: JohnVanCittersandMarianCordry • CopyrightPromotionsLtd.: AnnaHatjoullis • ParamountHomeEntertainment: KateAddy,JiellaEsmat,LizHadleyandJohnRobson • Simon&SchusterUS: EdSchlesinger TITANMAGAZINES • EditorialAssistant:TollyMaggs • ProductionSupervisors:MariaPearson&JackieFlook • ProductionAssistant:PeterJames • ProductionManager:ObiOnoura • ArtDirector:OzBrowne • SeniorSalesManager:SteveTothill • DirectSales&MarketingManager:RickyClaydon • USAdvertisingManager:JeniSmith • BrandManager:LucyRipper • CirculationAssistant:DanielDownes • CommercialManager:MichelleFairlamb • PublishingManager:DarrylTothill • PublishingDirector:ChrisTeather • OperationsDirector:LeighBaulch • ExecutiveDirector:VivianCheung • Publisher:NickLandau DISTRIBUTION • USNewsstandDistribution: TotalPublisherServices,Inc. JohnDziewiatkowski,630-851-7683 • USDistribution: SourceInterlink, CurtisCirculationCompany • CanadianDistribution: CurtisCirculationCompany • Australia/NewZealandDistributors: Gordon&Gotch • UK/USDirectSalesMarket: DiamondComicDistributors • UKNewsstand:Comag HenrySmith:01895433600 STAR TREK: THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE VOL #1, ISSUE #59 (UK #186) Published by Titan Magazines, a division of Titan Publishing Group Limited, 144 Southwark Street, London SE1 0UP. TM ® & © 2016 CBS Studios Inc. © 2016 Paramount Pictures. STAR TREK and Related Marks are Trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. Titan Authorised User. CBS, the CBS Eye logo and related marks are trademarks of CBS Broadcasting Inc. TM & © 2016 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All rights reserved. For sale in the US, UK, Eire, Australia and New Zealand. Printed in the US by Quad/Graphics. ISSN 1357-3888 TMN 13434 ADVERTISING HOTLINE: Tel: +44 (0)20 7620 0200 FORMOREINFORMATION ABOUTSUBSCRIPTIONS, PLEASEGOTOWWW. TITANMAGAZINES.COM SUBSCRIPTIONS: US: 1-800-999-9718 UK: 0844 322 1263 For more information on advertising, contact: Christopher Cooper Editor andd EEnngage…… Stardate:70397.4 HAILING FREQUENCIES OPEN!Email us at about anything Star Trek-related, or write to Star Trek Magazine, 144 Southwark Street, London SE1 0UP t d ith pro will be you st 50 ye Sa a da erous sli haav to a oon (Lete ’ss just h ar s fa By cosm ek aga li lli ood v yy ee do Unlike Ji a ceptingg a mmagazi e i at St T e new e wherree n In tt Kral , aa gg

REGULARS 6STATUSREPORT The latest Star Trek news from across the quadrants. 74TREKNOLOGY Today’s technology inspired by Star Trek, plus the search for alien life. 84TRICORDER Trek non-fiction authors, plus DSTE and the latest merch reviewed. 93FISTFULOFDATA Trexpert Larry Nemecek clears up your canon conundrums. 97STARSHIPTREKKERS Going badly where no-one has gone before, in “Journey to Buble!” TWOGREATTREK ARTREK ANNIVERSARY BOOK OTHER CHARACTER, BUT NOTHING HAS STUCK THE SAME WAY AS STAR TREK HAS.” TA YY 1WIN! 31WIN! FANSETS PINS STAR TREK MAGAZINE4 18 68TONYTODD 80SHORTHOPS:KIRSTIEALLEY SALLYGIMPEL ALEXANDER SIDDIG

FEATURES Regular Newss dition 12DISCOVERINGDISCOVERY Uncovering the Star Trek pedigree of the Discovery Executive Producer. 24WENEEDTOTALKABOUT...KRALL Star Trek Beyond’s big bad gets our Trek-talkers’ attention. 32HAILINGFREQUENCIESOPEN The host of Engage: The Official Star Trek Podcast engages with STM. 38TIME’SARROW Madcap mayhem with the Starfleet captains that went off the range. 44THEBIGFIVE-O:PARTTWO Our quest to get to the heart of Star Trek continues. 60STARTREKONLINE Exclusive Star Trek Online short fiction. 64REMEMBERME Giving credit to the NBC insiders that kept Star Trek on air. 32 12 CONTENTS 5STAR TREK MAGAZINE R l N d Editi EXCLUSIVE Comic S ore dEdEdEd ii ititionnon 52STARFLEET’SFINEST: SCIENCEOFFICERS

STAR TREK MAGAZINE6 BEAT THATDSTE Extends Trek Cosplay Record T he bigdrawat DestinationStar TrekEurope – literally– wastheevent’sattempt to beat DST’sownGuinnessWorld Record for the numberofStarTrek cosplayersgathered in one room. Asfansfloodedinto the Enterprise stage area onSaturday8thOctober, it wastouch and go asto whetherthey’dmatchthe existing record of 1,063, evenwithalast minute push and a flurry of gold, blue,andreduniforms.After a tense head-count, and one of thebiggestmassVulcansaluteson record, the totalwasin…and1,138StarTrek cosplayerscheeredtheirsuccess. “Asa team,wearethrilledtoimproveupon what appearstobeourown‘old’record,”saidJill Ubdegrove ofeventorganizer,Showmasters,“and to confirmthattheEuropeanfansleadtheway when it comestocosplay.” OfficialconfirmationfromGuinnessWorld RecordsisexpectedbeforeChristmas. A mass Vulcan salute Crowds gather at Birmingham's NEC for the Star Trek cosplay record attempt

7STAR TREK MAGAZINE STATUSREPORT HAIL TO THE (EX)CHIEF And Obama Still Loves Star Trek B arackObama,formerPresident of the United Statesof America, was “asuckerfor StarTrek”in hisyouth. In an exclusive video interview with Wired, prior to the conclusion of his final term as President, Obama reflected on why Gene Roddenberry’s groundbreaking show has survived so long, saying “it wasn’t actually just about technology. It was about values and human relationships. It was really talking about a notion of a common humanity, and a confidence in our ability to solve problems.” Obama,whopreviouslyinvitedNichelleNicholstotheWhiteHouse,and madeapersonaltributetoLeonardNimoy,followingtheSpockactor’sdeath, wentontosay“Ifweeverlosethatspirit,thenwe’regoingtolosewhat’s essentialaboutAmerica,andwhatIthinkisessentialaboutbeinghuman.” J anuary is another thrilling month across IDW Comics’ Star Trek titles. Issue 4 of its ongoing Kelvin timeline series, Star Trek: Boldly Go, takes the Federation to the edge of all-out war with the Romulans, while Spock has apparently taken to working the Locutus look, if the excellent cover (see above) is anything to go by. See page 52 for our review of the firs issue of this promising storyline. Meanwhile, 6-issue anthology series Waypoint this month focuses on Deep Space Nine and Voyager. Cecil Castellucci’s “Mother’s Walk” sees Kira on a Bajoran pilgrimage that requires a set number of relatives – only most of hers are long dead. Over in the Delta Quadrant, Voyager is in danger, and it’s the unlikeliest member of her crew that could save it, in Mairghread Scott’s “The Wildman Maneuver.” There’s also another dip into superhero crossover territory, with Kelvin timeline Star Trek once again getting mixed up with Green Lantern. Written by Mike Johnson (the busy writer of Boldly Go), “Stranger Worlds” issue 2 of 6 has the Lantern Corps join forces with Starfleet to battle Sinestro and the Klingons, in an ultimate battle. BEYOND BEYONDIDW Boldly Goes On Bryan Fuller Beams Away st Barack Obama with Nichelle Nichols in the White House News broke at the end of October that Bryan Fuller would be stepping away from showrunner duties on Star Trek: Discovery, to focus on other projects. While Fuller will continue to be involved as Executive Producer on the new Trek, his commitment to an adaptation of writer Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, and Steven Spielberg’s Amazing Stories, led to him stepping down from the day-to-day running of the show. Long-term collaborators Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts, who initially joined the show to support Fuller, will oversee the first season of the series in his place, alongside Alex Kurtzman and the established creative team. CBS Television Studios said of the personnel change “We are extremely happy with the creativ direction of Star Trek: Discovery and the strong foundation that Bryan Fuller has helped us create for the series.” By now, filming should be well underway, but as this issue of Star Trek Magazine went to press, there were yet to be any cast announcements. Discovery is set to premiere on CBS All Access in May, 2017. ve e

8 STAR TREK MAGAZINE W hilethecrewoftheInternationalSpaceStationkickback withacopyofStarTrekBeyond,therestofuscanenjoythe high-definitiongloryofStarTrek:TheAnimatedSeries, remasteredonBlu-ray. Releasedlastmonth,the4-discbox-setincludesall22 episodesofStarTrek’s“fourth”series.Featuringextrasoriginally foundonthe2006DVDrelease,includinga240-minutemaking-of featurette,therearealsoaudiocommentariesfromproducerDavid Wise,writerDavidGerrold,andMichaelandDeniseOkuda,plusa storyboardgalleryand22poster-stylecardsillustratingeachepisode, createdbyartistJuanOrtizespeciallyforthisrelease. HI-DEF M’RESSAnimated Adventures on Blu-ray A s you while away the months until Discovery launches, there will be plenty of new Trek adventures to enjoy, thanks to Pocket Books’ expanding line of novels, each set in a different period of Trek’s expansive history. January sees the release of Christopher L. Bennett’s original series era novel “The Face of the Unknown” – a sequel to classic episode “The Corbomite Maneuver.” This is followed in February by “Headlong Flight,” a Next Generation story from popular author Dayton Ward that lands Commander Worf and his landing party on a dimension-hopping planet. DavidR.George pensMarch’sDeep Space Nine adventure, “TheLong Mirage,”whichfindsQuark stilldesperately seeking Morn, and Kira returnsfromtwoyearsspent living in Bajor’spast. DS9 alumni Julian Bashir is also back on the trail of Section 31, in David Mack’s taught new thriller, “Control.” Can Julian bring down the illegal spy organization, and at what cost? THE NEXT FRONTIER New Novels from Simon & Schuster / Pocket Books C reation Entertainment have announced their first confirmed special guest for 2017’s Official Star Trek Convention – and it’s the legendary William Shatner. Shatnerwill be on stage on the Saturdayofthe convention, and available forautographsand photo ops.Fanswill be especially keen to get theirphototakenwith the Kirk actoronarecreationof the original Enterprise bridge. Ifyou’ve neverbeen to one of Creation’sVegasconventions, a video of hghlightsfromthe 2016eventis available at GoldWeekendPackagesfor the event have already sold out, and Captain’sChairPackagesare going fast. THE ROAD TO RIOVegas Convention: First Guest Confirmed Photo:AspenPhoto/

9STAR TREK MAGAZINE STATUSREPORT LAST MINUTE SHOPPING o one wants to unwrap a bottle of discount bubble bath from the local drugstore on Christmas morning, so here are some cool gift ideas for Great Trek Gifts This Holiday Season PIN MATES Possibly the cutest Star Trek collectable this holiday season is an Entertainment Earth exclusive, but as it’s limited to just 500 units, we may already have missed out! This retro-styled Enterprise bridge playset from Bif Bang Pow! is scaled to accommodate their fun range of 2-inch scale wooden figurines, featuring the original series crew. Please note, the set is aimed at fans over 14 years-of-age, and is listed as “Not A Toy!” We wouldn’t dream of playing with it. No, Sir. Not until we’ve got it out of the packaging… AMOND SELECT ores,andavailableonline,isDiamondSelect’sstunningne of-Prey(seeright).Asyoucanseefromthecompany’srece tedphoto,thisde-cloakedbeautycomesfullylit,windowsand Also available now is DST’s latest Star Trek Select figure – The Reliant’s command chair, with free Khan action figure (I’m sure we g that the right way around – that chair looks mighty comfortable!). Kha comes with numerous arms and legs, so he can shake a choice of fists at pesky foe “KIIIIIRRKK!!” (Did we get that quote right?) ev ryy ar Trek fan’s sh p lis PIN MATES DIA Insto Bird- tweet A pesky foe KIIIIIRRKK!! (Did ww HALLMARK Baublesaresolastcentury(unlessit’sa DysonSphere,whichisawholedifferent ballgame),andtheonlydecorationany self-respectingTrekfanwillbehanging ontheirtreethisyearisHallmarks deliciousgold“TheCage”Enterprise.It comeswithsound-effectstoo–Trek’sfamousopening monologueandasliceofthethemetune–althoughconfusingly it’sKirkratherthanPikeincommand. Ifgoldisn’tyourthing,therewasalsoaversionintheship’s traditionalwhiteliveryavailableatvariousconventionsin2016, butyoumaybeabletopickoneupaftermarket,fromCyrano Jonesifhe’sintown. Othertree-friendlyHallmarkornamentsthisseasoninclude KirkbeingmenacedbytheSaltVampire(picturedinShortHops, thisissue),andaserious-lookingChekov. t !

10 STAR TREK MAGAZINE hat happens when cosplay is transformed into funky everyday and party wear? We’ll find out in late 2017, when Anovos – known for their out a range of Trek-inspired clothing unlike anything we’ve seen before. Teaming up with cult purveyors of cool geek-wear Gold Bubble Clothing, Anovos will four unique designs that will allow fans to express their love of Star Trek in spectacular fashion (pun intended). This collection could be the first of many, so maybe it’s time to clear out your wardrobe to make way for something more futuristic. FROM CATWALK TO SIDEWALK Anovos Gets Fashionable P layers join forces with special guest stars from Star Trek, as they investigate the mystery beh numerous deadly attacks on frontier worlds. There will also be a chance to earn a brand-new s a new anniversary Reputation project, and play several new mini-games in which players com cool STO prizes. STO fanswillalso be pleased to hear that Q willbe backintimeforChristmas,withhisspecia holidaycheer,andavariety of fun winter-themed games. ReturningfavoritesincludetheFastestGameo Fights,andthe Winter Invasion Queue. Playerscan defend the GingerbreadVillagefromthesinisterSnow ConesofConduct,and battle-assimilated Snow-Borg in Tide of Ice.Plusthere’sanewgamethisyear–in Fishing,playerscompete with honor to collect tasty candy fish fromthefrigidlake–ifthefishdon’tcatc StarTrek Onlineisavailable now on PC, and on Xbox One andPlayStation4consoles. ind starship, in mpete to win lbrandof onIce,Snowball wconians,in nKlingonIce hthemfirst! E Q CONTINUUM Celebrating Star Trek Online’s seventh anniversary in early 2017, Cryptic Studios are all set to release their latest Featured Episode, “Harbingers.” igh end r lica cc s umes –– b release f

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12 STAR TREK MAGAZINE The captain's chair under construction, as tweeted by Fuller Ralph McQuarrie's Enterprise concept

S ometimesthe starsjust align. Case in point: the tappingof Bryan FullertobeamaboardStarTrek: Discovery,cominginMay from CBS AllAccess. He’sthe right man forthejob–ahardcore, longtime sci-fi andStarTrekaficionado, stillyoungat 47 yearsold butalsoexperienced,pretty muchuniversallypopularwith Trekfans, and a guy who can write action,darkhumor,political intrigue,life-and-deathexaminations, thriller elements, andemotionalityequallywell.Histrack recordas acreator,writerandproducer speaksfor itself. Wonderfalls, DeadLikeMe,PushingDaisies, andHannibal were alldiverse,provocative, visually stunning, daring,quirky,smart,andwell-cast,notto mentionthoroughlyinclusive. So,whoexactlyisBryanFuller, and in what wayshave allpathsled himtoStarTrek:Discovery? DAYJOBTODREAMJOB BorninClarkston,Washington,Fuller studied at Lewis-Clark State College inLewiston, Idaho,priorto transferringtothe USCFilmSchool. A fan at the time ofStar Trek: Deep SpaceNine,Fullersetouttowrite fortheshow.Remember, thiswasbackin the day –the 1990s–when theStar Trekproductionswelcomed fansubmissions.Afewfanssold story ideas, and a couple actually contributedscripts.Fullerattended thewriters’ workshopsthat Brannon Bragaand Ronald D. Moore hosted, atCreationEntertainment’s GrandSlamconventionsinPasadena, California. Despite his departure as showrunner on Star Trek: Discovery, Bryan Fuller’s creative fingerprints are all over the new show. With five months to go until the series debuts on CBS All Access, Star Trek Magazine looks to Fuller’s résumé for hints as to what Star Trek might look like come May 2017. Words: Ian Spelling "Drone" – a high-concept Fuller story Emotional drama in "Friendship One" Photo:CarlaVanWagoner/ DISCOVERING DISCOVERY

“SohereIam,onthefrontrowofthe workshop,talkingthetalkandthinking,‘Ican writeoneofthosethings!’”Fullerrecountedtothe officialVoyagerMagazine.“Ifeltpassionate enoughaboutit,andIcouldgetmyteethintoit.” Sureenough,Fuller,operatingasafreelancer, craftedthestoriesfortheDeepSpaceNine episodes“TheDarknessandtheLight,”and “EmpokNor,”bothofwhichairedin1997. Fuller–stillfreelancing–wasinvitedto rewritetheVoyagerstory(andtodevisethe demiseofKes),forwhatwouldbecome“TheGift.” However,circumstancesrequiredthatafull-time staffer,JoeMenosky,penthatepisodeatwarp speed.Instead,Fullerendeduprewriting“The Raven,”itselfarushjob,inameresixdays.The storyfollowedVoyagerandhercrewasthey encounteredtheB’omar,axenophobicspeciesthat stoodinthewayoftheirjourneyhome,while SevenofNinerevertedtobeingaBorgdrone, completewithvisionsofreturningtothespotof herassimilation. Soonafter,BragainvitedFullertojointhe Voyagerwritingstaff.Thatcallcamenotamoment toosoon.ThetalegoesthatFullerreceivedhis life-changingcommunicationfromBragaonly hoursafterbeingfiredfromhisdayjob,writing pressreleasesforahealthcarepublicrelations tradeassociation.Thereasonforhisabrupt dismissal?Fakingonetoomanyabsencestohis boss(animaginarycystonhisback,aninfection hecaughtfromhiscat,evenadeathinthefamily), inordertomaketimetoreshape“TheRaven.”Asa veryhappyFullerrecountedtoVoyagerMagazine, “Igotfiredfrommycrappydayjobandgothired withthedreamjob–thatday.Thatday!” WHATSTARTREK DOESBEST Fullergainedhisfirstsolowritingcrediton VoyagerbywhippinganinitialpitchfromKathy Hankinsonintothepowerfulinstallment,“Mortal Coil.”Atvariouspointsinitsdevelopment,Ensign Wildman,andthenChakotay,andfinallyNeelix, diedandcamebacktolife,experiencingacrisisof “The Raven” SevenofNine becomesconvinced she isbeing drawnbacktothe Borg Collective, after sufferingstrange hallucinations. “Mortal Coil” Neelix questionshisfaith after he iskilled in anaccident andbrought back to life by Seven, usingBorgnanprobes. “Retrospect” HasSeven beenphysicallyassaultedbyan armsdealer, oraretheVoyagercrewbeing lessthan impartial? “Living Witness” The Doctor, broughtbackonlineafter700 years, investigatesaccusationsofwarcrimes againstVoyager. "Mortal Coil" enscapulates Fuller's Star Trek “Drone” Anewtype ofBorgiscreated after a transporteraccident involving Seven and The Doctor. “Bride of Chaotica” ACaptainProtonholodeck adventure goes southwhenagroupof trans-dimensional aliensmistake it forreality. “Gravity” ParisandTuvokare stranded on an otherwise desertedplanet,where an alien female fallsin love withthe Vulcansecurity officer. “Course: Oblivion” The crew of Voyageraredying,andtheshipis falling apart. Butaretheyreallywhothey think they are? “Juggernaut” The Voyager crewbattletostopadamaged Malon freighterexploding,andmakingan entire sector uninhabitable. “Relativity” A starship fromthefutureenlistsSevenof Nine in an attempttosaveVoyagerfrom destruction. SEASON 5 SEASON 4 FULLER’S TREKA potted guide to the Star Trek: Voyager episodes written or co-written by Bryan Fuller. 14 STAR TREK MAGAZINE

faith along the way. Fuller’s comments to Voyager Magazine simultaneously address the episode specifically, and offer a glimmer into his view of Star Trek. “What would be worse,” Fuller wondered, “than having your own dead grandmother come back and say, ‘You know, there is no God. This is all a figment of your imagination. You’re going to die, and there’s nothing after. You disappear, and that’s that. See ya!’ So that one, I think, really speaks to many fears. “And in a way that’s what Star Trek does best,” he continued. “It turns a secular element, that runs through everyone’s lives, on its ear – and tells it in a different way that you can appreciate, and you won’t be offended by it. Because it’s this little hedgehog guy from outer space doing it, then it’s much more palatable. You can get in through the back door.” Fuller went on to write, or co-write, a total of 20 Voyager episodes. Those episodes covered many parsecs of territory, story-wise; explored the various characters individually, and as a crew; delivered scares and elicited chuckles. As a writer, Fuller seemed to learn from the misfires – such as “Retrospect,” which he admitted was his “least favorite” episode from his first year with Voyager – and he built on his successful outings, among which were the Doctor-centric episode, “Living Witness,” and the previously mentioned “Mortal Coil.” By the time Voyager concluded its run in 2001, Fuller had risen through the ranks to the role of co-producer. CREATINGSTRANGENEWWORLDS While re-watching Fuller’s Star Trek episodes might give us some clue as to the style of Trek he prefers, it’s his work beyond Roddenberry’s universe – especially the shows that Fuller himself has created – that might point towards the kind of show he’ll help deliver in 2017. In 2002, Fuller moved on from Voyager to write a TV movie adaptation of the Stephen King horror classic, Carrie, before creating, writing, and producing Dead Like Me, a 2003 cable television series about a teenager who dies and becomes a Grim Reaper, but can’t resist keeping tabs on the grieving family she left behind. It’s the kind of high-concept, left-field premise that has become something of a Fuller hallmark. Fuller exited after five episodes, but the show ran on for two seasons. Next, in 2004, Fuller created Wonderfalls. Again, the premise mixes the domestic with the fantastic, as a disenfranchised young woman (played by Caroline Dhavernas), working in a Niagra Falls giftshop, is shocked when the inanimate souvenirs lining the store’s shelves talk directly to her, compelling her to help others and become a better person. A 13-episode season was made, but network Fox decided to cancel the show after just 4 episodes had aired. Despite gaining a positive critical reception, Wonderfalls failed to find a broad enough audience, although the show would become a beloved cult favorite. Does any of that sound kind of familiar…? “THERE ARE SO MANY REASONS WHY WE SETTLED ON DISCOVERY, BUT THE CHIEF ONE AMONGST THEM WAS THAT I COULDN’T THINK OF A MORE STARTREK- THEMED NAME FOR A SHIP.” BRYAN FULLER

Fuller’snextproject,in2006,wasaproposed seriesbasedontheMikeMignolacomicbook,The Amazing Screw-OnHead.Fullerwroteand developed thepilot,buttheshowwasnotpicked up, and he movedontojointhewritingteamon superpower series,Heroes. By 2007,hewasbackworkingonanother creation of hisown.PushingDaisieswasan inventive fantasyshowaboutapie-makerwho can, for a fleetingmoment,bringdeadthingsback to life. FullerearnedanEmmyAwardnomination for hiswriting,buttheseriesneverattracteda wide audience,andwascanceledaftertwo seasons. Followingthat,Fullercreated MockingbirdLane,a2012rebootofThe Munsters,whichhadbeenafavoriteshow fromhisyouth.Sadly,thatshowdidn’tmake it beyondapilot,butFullerbouncedback with perhapshisbiggesthittodate, Hannibal.BasedontheThomasHarrisnovels RedDragonandHannibal,thiswasa gruesomeandcompellingexplorationofthe twisted,symbioticrelationshipbetweenFBI specialinvestigator,WillGraham(played by HughDancy)andthemurderous psychologist,HannibalLecter(Mads Mikkelsen,inblood-curdlingform). Hannibalranforaremarkable,andgory, threeseasons. Despitesomeshortrunsandafew deadends,surelythetake-homefromthis summaryofFuller’soutputisitsevidence of a highlycreativemanwithboundless imagination,loftyambition,anda willingnesstotakenarrativerisks.Thiscan only bodewellforfansofStarTrek. VOYAGEOFDISCOVERY Fuller’srecentslatehasincludedanadaptationof AmericanGods,andhespentmuchof2016 developingarebootoftheStevenSpielberg anthologyseriesAmazingStories,but2017isall aboutStarTrek:Discovery. In February 2016, CBS made the announcement that Fuller, alongside Alex Kurtzman, would be creating the new Star Trek TV show, with Heather Kadin producing. Subsequent announcements revealed the involvement of Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry, Trek creator Gene Roddenberry’s son, and his production partner, Trevor Roth, as co-executive producers. Then came word that Trek author Kirsten Beyer and Nicholas Meyer (writer- director of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and the co-writer of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home), had boarded the writing staff, as had Joe Menosky and Jesse Alexander. News later broke that Emmy-nominated director David Semel would helm the first episode, while Gretchen J. Berg and Aaron Harberts, both of whom collaborated with Fuller on Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies, were confirmed to be working as Discovery co-showrunners. One thing is for certain: Discovery has amassed a formidable line-up of talent behind it. Withtheshowinitiallyintendedtoairnext January,CBSannouncedinSeptemberthat DiscoverywouldinsteaddebutinMayof2017,via streamingservicesCBSAllAccessintheUnited States,BellMediainCanada,andonNetflixin188 countriesaroundtheworld. FullerandKurtzmanissuedastatementthat read:“BringingStarTrekbacktotelevisioncarries aresponsibilityandmission:toconnectfansand newcomersaliketotheseriesthathasfedour imaginationssincechildhood.Weaimtodream biganddeliver,andthatmeansmakingsurethe demandsofphysicalandpost-productionfora showthattakesplaceentirelyinspace,andthe needtomeetanairdate,don’tresultin compromisedquality.Beforeheadinginto production,weevaluatedtheserealitieswithour partnersatCBS,andtheyagreed:StarTrek Will the move to a streaming platform allow for more "Flesh and Blood" in Discovery? Fuller tweeted a mysterious make-up test...

deserves the verybest, andthese extra few monthswillhelpusachieveavisionwecanallbe proudof.” WegotapeepatthatvisioninAugust,when Fullertweetedaphotoofwhatappearedtobethe make-uptestforanalien–aheadpiecewithsome distinctiveantennae…AnAndorian,perhaps? Fullerhasbeenplayfullyusingthehashtag #StarTrekDiscowhentweetingabouttheshow,so searchthatoutifyou’relookingformoreinsider hintsoverthecomingmonths. WHATDOWEKNOW Atpress-time,specificplotandcharacterdetails remainedscarce.Buthere’swhatcanbeconfirmed, inmostcasesdirectlybyFullerhimself:Discovery’s eventswilltakeplaceinthe“Prime”universe, about10yearspriortothedaysofKirkandSpock andtheEnterprise,asseenintheoriginalStarTrek series.Theprotagonistwillbefemale,possibly African-American,andknownas“NumberOne,”at leastinitially–anditseemsshewillnotsitinthe captain’schair,notforawhileanyway. “We’ve seen six characters from the captain’s point of view,” Fuller commented at the Television Critics Association (TCA) gathering, last spring. “In order to understand something that is so completely alien from her, she must first understand herself. That’s part of our journey on this planet, to get along, and that’s part of our journey in this first season.” So far as the story’s thrust, Fuller teased that, “There’s an incident in the history of Starfleet that had been talked about but never fully explored. It’s something I want to see.” Season1will run13serialized episodesthat unfoldlike anovel,“witheachepisode being a chapter of that novel,andwithinthatchapter there’sa beginning,middle,andend,”Fuller noted at TCA. “We willhaveepisodesthatexistby themselves, but areapartofamuchbiggerstory.” Further, he stated, airingonCBSAllAccessmeans “we’re not subject tobroadcaststandardsand practices,” and suggestedthatitwillprovidethe Discoverycreative staffa“broaderspectrum”in telling stories. Fanscanexpectrobots,newand familiar aliens, aswellasanopenlygayregular character. “Absolutely, wearehavingagay character,” Fuller hasconfirmed. During theStarTrek50thanniversaryevents at San Diego Comic-Con,inJuly,2016,Fuller screened a teaser trailerforDiscoverythatgave the nearly 6,000 fansinHallHtheirfirstlookat the work-in-progresshero ship,basedondesigns that the lateStar WarsillustratorRalphMcQuarrie created for the abortedStarTrek:PhaseIIseries. And it wasat Comic-Conthattheworldfirst learned the show’sofficialname.Askedwhyhe chose the nameDiscoveryforboththeship,and for the show’s title,Fullersmiledandreplied, “There are so manyreasonswhywesettledon Discovery, butthe chiefoneamongstthemwas that I couldn’t thinkofamoreStarTrek-themed name for a ship.” “Barge of the Dead” Killedinashuttleaccident,Torresfindsshe hasbeencondemnedtoanafterlifein Gre’thor–thehellfordishonoredKlingons. “Alice” Analienintelligenceaboardasalvaged shuttle manipulatesTomParisintodoing itsbidding. “One Small Step” Voyagerencountersthe wreckageofoneof Earth’searlymannedmissionstoMars. “Spirit Folk” Theholographicresidentsofholoprogram townFairHavenmistakethe Voyagercrew formagicalbeings. “Fury” AvengefulKesreturnstoVoyager,obsessed withexactingrevengeonCaptainJaneway. “The Haunting of Deck Twelve” Neelixrecounts aghoststory tothechildren ofVoyager. “Flesh and Blood” Parts 1 & 2 AdistresscalldrawsVoyagertoaHirogen outpost, onlytofindthatithasbeenall- but-destroyedbyholographictechnology giventothembyJaneway. “Workforce” Parts 1 & 2 Voyager’screwhasbeenkidnapped,and forcedtoworkinavastindustrialcomplex onanalienworld. “Friendship One” VoyagerisdispatchedbyStarfleetCommand torecover a21st CenturyEarthprobe,lostin theDeltaQuadrant. “BRINGING STARTREKBACK TO TELEVISION CARRIES A RESPONSIBILITY AND MISSION: TO CONNECT FANS AND NEWCOMERS ALIKE TO THE SERIES THAT HAS FED OUR IMAGINATIONS SINCE CHILDHOOD.” BRYAN FULLER & ALEX KURTZMAN FULLER’S TREKA potted guide to the Star Trek: Voyager episodes written or co-written by Bryan Fuller. SEASON 6 SEASON 7 Who will be our new Number One? 17STAR TREK MAGAZINE Photo:PhilStafford/ DISCOVERING DISCOVERY

18 STAR TREK MAGAZINE From enthusiastic, bushy-tailed young physician to seasoned battlefront medic, by the finale of Deep Space Nine Julian Bashir was a character who’d evolved. The same could be said for Bashir’s real- life alter ego, actor Alexander Siddig. Words: Ian Spelling

19STAR TREK MAGAZINE B orn in Sudan and raised in England,SiddigElTahirEl FadilElSiddig Abderahman MohammedAhmedAbdel Karim ElMahdi–better known asactorAlexander Siddig –arrived in the United Statesinlate1992,to audition for the role of Star Trek: DeepSpaceNine’s Dr. Julian Bashir. At the time, he could claimnoHollywood creditsand wasan eligible bachelor. WhenDS9ended itsrun, in the summer of 1999, he wasanactingveteran, married to co-star Nana Visitor, and a dadtoboot. Talk about a life-changing role. “It couldn’t have had a more dramaticeffectonmy life,” Siddig confirms, “I have to thank (DeepSpaceNine executive producer) Rick Berman, becauseastonishingly it wasallpositive. God, yeah, it’sasif I’dbeenrebuilt,like some sort of superhero, from thisguy whowasjusthanging out and teaching in London, trying to figureoutwhereto make the next penny, to a bona fide Hollywoodactor.” SinceDeepSpaceNineended,Siddighasbeenone ofTrek’smost-in-demandactors,rivalingthepost-Trek successofPatrickStewartandthenearubiquitousColm Meaney(Siddig’sDS9bestie,MilesO’Brien).Oftenturning upasabadguy,he’sactedoppositewizards(inMerlin), dinosaurs(inPrimeval),spies(TheFifthEstate),and gangsters(PeakyBlinders).Inevitably,likemanyofits characters,healsorecentlymetagrislyendinGameof Thrones,butthat’sanotherstory.Siddigreadilyagreesthat StarTrekmadeallthispossible,butadmitsthathehadno conceptofwhatitwoulddoforhiscareeratthetime. “Peoplewouldcutofftheirrightarmforthekindofjob Ihad,andIdidn’treallyrealizethatthen,”theactorsays, “Ididn’trealizehowimportantthepeopleinHollywoodsaw thatkindofroleasbeinguntilwayintomyDeepSpaceNine career.Iwaslike,‘Thisisjustanotherjob,’becauseIwas only26,orwhateverageIwas. INTERVIEW: ALEXANDER SIDDIG

20 STAR TREK MAGAZINE because you begin to learn your skill, your craft, as an actor over six years, with a group of people you see day in, day out. This was like repertory theater, with a bunch of different directors, where money doesn’t seem to be any object. Where, even if you make a mistake, unlike a sportsman you can have four bad games on Star Trek, four bad episodes, and they’re not going to fire you. They’re invested in you, so you can make mistakes and learn in safety.” Nothing in entertainment compared to the Star Trek juggernaut between 1987 and 2005. Back then, a Trek job pretty much meant seven years of steady work, regular paychecks, and no need to wait by the phone at the end of each season, hoping and praying for a renewal. It was, he explains, “unprecedented,” and an “honor to be one of the seven or eight people on any one of the five or six Trek shows.” That said, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, either. “L.A. really didn’t work for me at that age,” Siddig explains. “The fame, money, and all those things… I just wasn’t responsible enough to deal with any of it. I didn’t go crazy and have cocaine or anything, but I just wasn’t entirely happy all the time, which I should’ve been. I should’ve been much happier.” One happy event was the birth of his son, Django, from his five-year marriage to Nana Visitor; the embodiment of how Star Trek sent Siddig’s life in unexpected new directions. Django also reminds the star how long ago his Trek experience was. “Ihavethiswonderfulson,whoisnow19,” Siddigsmiles,“andthat’showIknowhowoldthe showis.Hewasborninthethirdorfourthseason. Wehaveaphenomenalrelationship,andheis goingintofilm–notasanactor,Ihope,Ithink,I pray.Yeah,mylifechanged.Butoncesomething changes,youhavenoideawhatitwould’vebeen.” OURMANBASHIR The official synopsis of the Deep Space Nine premiere, “Emissary,” described Bashir as “a cocky and ambitious young doctor.” Another adjective would be inexperienced. As the credits Alexander Siddig as Julian Bashir “I didn’t think it was really exciting, which is probably why I got the job at the audition,” Siddig laughs. “I was so relaxed. It didn’t matter to me. Right up until the time I got on the plane, I thought it was for a guest role on The Next Generation – I didn’t even realize it was a brand new show. I got a contract, but I didn’t know how to read that. I just didn’t pay too much attention. So, when someone came to me after the audition and said, ‘We’re so happy to have you for the next six years,’ it all began to sink in that this is going to be very different.” The opportunity came at the perfect time for Siddig, who had no ties and was ready for anything. The reward was an enviable on-the- job learning experience. “Kids can move countries really easily; they don’t care where they are, so I didn’t,” says Siddig, “The older you get, the more ties you form. So, it was easy for me to just pick up my bags, march into L.A. and rent an apartment, and that’s precisely what I did. It’s a surreal way to start, and an amazingly privileged way to start, “I THINK JULIAN IS EXACTLY THE KIND OF GUY WHO’D STILL BE HAPPY, 20 YEARS LATER, WITH HIS CHOICES.” Julian Bashir (Siddig) makes himself at home in DS9's med-bay The Dominion War story arc saw a more mature Bashir emerge ("Inquisiton")

Siddig reveals, “And being in L.A. was a brilliant starting point for landing on DS9, because L.A. – compared to London in those days, in the 90s – was as good as some other planet, as far as I was concerned. I had the security of wealth, which I’d never had before, and people wanting to know me, which I’d never experienced before. And being called by random, strange girls… These things were not part of my ordinary life. So when that started happening in L.A., I could’ve been on Deep Space Nine. I could use that stuff. “And there werebattles,thereweredifficult things, crises, and problems,andlearningthat money doesn’t meanmuchhappiness,”continues Siddig. “It wasallofthethingseveryonegoes through when you’reinthatsituation,andalotof people get destroyedbyit.So,inasense,Iwas war-torn by the end.Idorememberclearly that I wasreally in controlofthat character. I had himdown. I had nothing else. So,if I didn’t get himunder controlI would’ve beena totally loose, rudderless boat floatingin the ocean.” rolled on the series finale, “What You Leave Behind,” 176 episodes later, Bashir had matured as a person, gained experience as a medic, admitted an uncomfortable truth about himself (that his parents had him genetically enhanced as a child), and emerged from the Dominion conflict more than a little war-torn. It could be argued that, to a degree, Bashir’s arc mirrored Siddig’s personal evolution. Siddig agrees. “I was really conscious of it happening at the time,” he says, aware that the writers used him as inspiration to develop the character. “There was an enormous amount of manipulation going on there. I mean, as an actor I had just me to work off, really. When you’re dealing with sci-fi, you can’t go and sit in space and figure out how they do stuff. That’s why it’s so important for producers to hire the right actors, because once you’ve got them, they’re going to build scripts around them, and the relationships. The inspiration comes as much from performances as it does from the writers’ minds. I absolutely knew what was happening, and I just tried to stay one step ahead of it. “I tried to put Bashir two years younger than me on any given day, and use my experiences, and what I was going through,” S iddig’smost recent project wasthe four-hour TV mini-series The Kennedys:AfterCamelot, set to air in 2017, in which heplaysAristotle Onassisopposite Katie HolmesasJackie KennedyOnassis.Heavy-duty make-upand prostheticsenable Siddigtoresemble the Greek tycoon, leaving the actor to figurehowbest tobringhimtolife. “It’sdifficult,whenyou’redoing realpeople,” Siddigexplains, “There’sacertainamount ofpreconception; everybody’sgot an idea ofwhatthisguyislike.He wasthe richest man alive, and a force of nature,soyou’ve got tobe careful. Well, you’ve either got to be incredibly detailed,anddoit exactly,oryou’ve got to take an enormousamount ofartistic license,andtrytocapture the essence. There’salmost no footage of Aristotle Onassisanywhere.He did[one]interview, but there’sonly a couple of snippetsofit, andit’sabout three seconds[long]. So you have nothing to go off, except forbiographical detail.Iwent,‘Right,sodit,I’m going to just make thisstuff up. I’m going totryandmake himaforce ofnature,give himasmuch charmasI possibly can, and let thefat-suitdothe work.’Andthat’swhat Idid.” AFTER BAJOR INTERVIEW: ALEXANDER SIDDIG

e of Deep Space Nine’s Bashir formed strong ost notably with Miles Meaney), and Cardassian (Andrew Robinson). zia Dax (Terry Farrell), romanced Dax’s next , Ezri (Nicole de Boer). he saved many lives, olicitations of Section 31, y played spy in “Our Man g embraced every twist one storyline got under in, and it still rankles – ngineering revelation in sode, “Doctor Bashir, eonrecordacouple ngthatIreallydidn’t ddigsays,firmly.“Iwas intheday.Iobjectedto somethingsopatently asbeingputonsomeone nityItreasuredand didn’tmindhimpossibly fSection31.Ididn’t ecausethatcouldbe therealmofthishuman ation.ButIthoughtthe BATTLELINES Over the course seven seasons, friendships, mo O’Brien (Colm M “tailor” Garak ( He fancied Jad but ultimately symbiont host, Along the way resisted the so and winsomel Bashir.” Siddi and turn, but o the actor’s ski the genetic en Season 5 epis I Presume.” “I’vegon oftimessayin likethat,”Sid furious,back thefactthats fabricatedwa whosehuma protected.Id beingpartof mindthat,b donewithin being’ssitua geneticengineeringstorywasacynicalployby thestudio.” Itseemsthat,despitetheperceivedsecurity ofaleadroleinaStarTrekseries, Siddigdidn’t feelsosecureafterall. “Ithinktherewerebattleseveryyeartohave mefired,”hereveals.“DeepSpaceNinewasnot doingaswellasitshouldhaveinthe ratings,oras wellastheyexpecteditto,andtheywent,‘Well, let’smakehimmorelikeData.’Ihonestlythink that’swhattheytriedtodo.‘Maybethat’llmake himmorepopular.’Ithoughtthatwascynicaland unimaginative,andI’mhappytosaythewriters didn’tgetthatexcitedaboutit,either. Ididitfor acoupleofshows,blandlydeliveredthose lines, andtheyjustletitdriftaway.” Onamorepositivenote, Siddigdidenjoy thelate-bloomingromancebetween Bashirand Ezri.Helaughsashecontemplateswhetherornot they’restilltogetherandiftheyremainashappy astheyappearedwhenviewers lastsawthem. “Isometimeswonder,”Siddigwistfully admits.“IthinkJulianisexactlythekindofguy who’dstillbehappy,20yearslater,withhis choices.Isometimeswonderwhathappenedto him,whetherthespysideofhisstorywould’ve takenover,morethanthedoctorsideofhisstory. IthinkDeepSpaceNine endedatapointwhere Bashircould’veendedupanywhere.Hecould’ve goneontobeadoctoronaship,hecouldhave Bashir (Siddig) and Sisko (Avery Brooks) witness Earth's turbulent history, in two-part DS9 classic, "Past Tense" A sDeepSpace Ninefurther explored the back-storiesofitsmain characters, a facet ofJulianBashir’shistorywasintroducedthat changedthe character deeply. We learnedthat ‘Jules’(asoriginally namedbyhisparents)hadbeen an awkward child,sufferingfromsome unspecifiedlearning difficultiesandfallingbehindat school. Concerned,andhopingto improve their child’s life-chances,Amshaand Richard Bashirtook the decisiontohave theirson undergo treatments that wouldaccelerate theformation of critical neural pathways.Inessence, thisinvolved the re-sequencingofthe seven-year-old child’sentire DNA,geneticallyenhancing ‘Jules’into a virtually newperson.Returningto schoolon Earth, Bashir wasnowthe starpupil instead of the strange boy atthe backofthe class. At the age of15,when he discovered what hisparentshaddone tohim, young Bashir was horrified,believinghisparentshad considered himsub-standardorfaulty. He changedhisname toJulian,refusingtoever again acknowledge the name hisparentshadgiven him. BECOMING JULIAN BASHIR 22 STAR TREK MAGAZINE


T he job of a Star Trek Science Officer is to provide quick answers to any scientific question that arises, whether it’s an unfamiliar lifeform, a strange spatial phenomenon, or a problem in temporal mechanics. The Captain needs information, and the Science Officers provide it. If the science problem is the main story, finding the information takes time and effort. If science is incidental to the main story, the Science Officers often speed the story along by supplying the answers on the spot. For Star Trek, Deep Space Nine, and Enterprise, the assignment of scientific technobabble is easy, since each has a designated Science Officer – Spock, Jadzia Dax, and T’Pol have little competition in scientific expertise among their respective crews. In The Next Generation and Voyager, the Science Officer role is not specifically assigned, at least not on camera. The Next Generation does acknowledge scientific specializations by introducing crew members who are subject specialists, such as Botanist Keiko O’Brien, and Stellar Cartographer Neela Darren (“Lessons”). The ship’s large crew complement makes this not only believable but also essential for realism. Voyager’s bridge science station also is not manned by any regular named character. Because of its location, forward and well off to the side of the helm station, it isn’t even seen in many common camera angles. It’s likely the absence of a senior Science Officer is due to Voyager being a small ship on what was supposed to be a military mission. In the real world, no one is just a “scientist.” They are botanists, mathematicians, microbiologists, chemists, physicists, astronomers, geologists, zoologists, and many more. Most scientists are experts, not in all sciences, but in one scientific field and often in one narrow specialization. With Star Trek’s Science Officers, those specializations go out the airlock. Words: K. Stoddard Hayes STAR TREK’S SCIENCE OFFICERS 25STAR TREK MAGAZINE