KIERUNEK: Zarządzanie i Inżynieria Produkcji w języku angielskim
SPECJALNOŚĆ: Production management
Modernizacja wybranego gniazda produkcyjnego
z uwzględnieniem częściowej robotyzacji operacji montażu
Modernization of the production cell
including robotic assembly operations
Magdalena Żuk
dr inż. Kamil Krot, W10/K3
Abstract............................................................................................................................. 5
Abstract in Polish ............................................................................................................. 6
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 7
Objectives, scope and tasks to do..................................................................................... 9
1. Trends in automatization of production processes .................................................... 10
1.1. Industry 4.0...................................................................................................................................10
1.2. The Internet of Things (IoT).........................................................................................................11
1.3. Big Data .......................................................................................................................................13
1.4. Cloud Computing .........................................................................................................................15
1.5. Robotization .................................................................................................................................17
2. Methods and tools used in production optimization.................................................. 20
2.1. Working day study .......................................................................................................................20
2.2. Standard work ..............................................................................................................................21
2.3. Time study....................................................................................................................................24
2.4. SMED...........................................................................................................................................25
2.5. PDCA ...........................................................................................................................................26
2.6. JIT ................................................................................................................................................28
3. Guidelines & plan of the modernization.................................................................... 31
4. Initial state of the assembly cell................................................................................. 33
4.1. Produced component ....................................................................................................................33
4.2. Used technology...........................................................................................................................36
4.3. Work places..................................................................................................................................39
4.4. Layout ..........................................................................................................................................52
4.5. Presentation of the process ...........................................................................................................53
5. Modernization of the assembly cell........................................................................... 59
5.1. Analysis of manual operations .....................................................................................................59
5.2. Selection of the robot ...................................................................................................................65
5.3. Ergonomic and safety at workstations..........................................................................................69
5.4. New layout ...................................................................................................................................70
5.5. Presentation of the modernized process .......................................................................................71
6. Comparison................................................................................................................ 76
Summary......................................................................................................................... 80
Bibliography................................................................................................................... 83
List of figures ................................................................................................................. 85
List of tables ................................................................................................................... 87
The subject of this Master Thesis is development of the modernization concept about
really existing assembly cell in GKN Driveline company in Oleśnica. Therefore, should be
described some methods and techniques in production improvement, on which we can base
on. It should be also presented evaluation parameters of initial and modernized state, which
show that implemented changes improve production.
The structure of this diploma thesis are two theoretical chapters and three chapters
about the main problem: one introductory part about assembly cell and one chapter about
my own modernization activities.
In theoretical chapters are described nowadays trends of automatization and
robotization in production processes. Then was presented a lot of methods and techniques
which we can use during improvement the quality of producing product. We can distinguish
two ways of techniques: methods used in betterment production organization and some
philosophies in constantly improvement of quality.
Next chapter is about initial state of the really existing assembly cell. It is described
assembled component, work stations which are the part of assembly cell and all steps of
operations during assembly process. When whole view about assembly process was clear,
there was time for thinking about what we want to improve and in which way. The last
chapter is about concept of modernization. First, the guidelines was presented and, using
initially characterized trends and techniques, the modernization idea was described. Then,
the selection of the robot and the main part of this thesis – process simulation and comparison
of two state – was presented.
Creating the modernization concept and doing simulations of two processes – with
and without robotization – were needed to make a decision about improvement. After that,
it can be possible to see which solution brings more benefits and will be more lucrative for
Tematem niniejszej Pracy Dyplomowej jest stworzenie koncepcji modernizacji
rzeczywiście istniejącej linii produkcyjnej w firmie GKN Driveline w Oleśnicy. W związku
z tym powinny zostać opisane niektóre metody oraz techniki używane w usprawnieniu
produkcji na których można bazować w niniejszej pracy dyplomowej. Dodatkowo powinny
zostać zaprezentowane informacje na temat stanu wejściowego oraz stanu
zmodernizowanego, które po porównaniu pokażą korzyści płynące z modernizacji.
Strukturą tej pracy dyplomowej są dwa rozdziały teoretyczne oraz trzy rozdziały
dotyczące głównego problemu: jeden wprowadzający, w którym opisany został produkt oraz
gniazdo produkcyjne w stanie początkowym, oraz 2 ostatnie dotyczące moich własnych
pomysłów i koncepcji działań modernizacyjnych. W ostatnim rozdziale znajdują się również
proste kalkulacje, które pomagają porównać stan przed i po robotyzacji.
W rozdziałach teoretycznych opisane zostały trendy występujące w automatyzacji
przemysłu oraz techniki i metody organizacyjne używane w usprawnieniu procesów
produkcyjnych, między innymi te, z których korzysta współpracująca przy pracy
dyplomowej firma GKN.
Rozdziały praktyczne kończą się podsumowaniem, w którym ostatecznie porównane
zostają miarodajne parametry dotyczące gniazda produkcyjnego przed i po modernizacji.
Przypomniane zostają również szerokie korzyści płynące z zastosowanie robotyzacji
w naszym konkretnym przypadku.
In the past, many things were done manually. Great manufactures were created.
There were certain machines in them, but they came gradually and were not like today.
Today many functions can be performed as a human machine. And it has its advantages.
First of all, because machines can replace a person in many difficult situations. Industrial
robots are very popular. And no wonder.
It could have been predicted that robotization would not prevent the industry. Robots
can handle a man where he needs a lot of strength, endurance, where repetitive work is or
where work can be dangerous to man. This is related to the use of chemicals or high
temperatures. The robot can be used to paint individual parts of a product that is
manufactured at the factory. Imagine car production. The robot can paint individual parts of
the car that are subsequently passed on the production line. The use of a robot in this case
has many advantages. Man does not get stained with paint, the robot can have a paint tank
and do the same thing over and over again. The same applies to chemical reagents. This
robot can spray the elements passing through the production line.
Robots can be used for storage. They can carry individual items, and those that would
be too heavy for a man and arranged according to a certain pattern. They can pick up
individual items from the final section of the production line and store them in strictly
defined areas. Then these finished products will be picked up and transported to the
warehouse, and from there will be prepared for further efforts. [25]
In this Diploma Thesis we meet with the first described situation – repeatable actions
in automotive industry. GKN Driveline company order new assembly cell – which will be
called LINE20 planned for 4 employees, but with the idea of later robotization. Moves doing
by employees was not complicated and repeatable – so robot seem to be better option for
this production process.
Robots are also increasing productivity in the manufacturing facility. And security.
This means not only additional financial gains. It also means easier work and saves time.
GKN Driveline company want to implement robotization in order to get better results on
LINE20 and more profits from production. Company wanted also reduce 2 employees – at
the beginning there were 4 employees on the line, without robot. There will be some
limitation like place on the hall and maximum times for transport operation. GKN Driveline
wanted also, that cost of implementation of robot will return during 2 years.
Above issues are described in subsequent chapters in this Diploma Thesis. First, in
chapters 1. and 2. are considered trends in automatization of processes and also methods
used in improvement of production processes.
In chapter 3. we goes to the man problem in this Diploma Thesis – here was presented
guidelines and limitations of project. It was also formulate an action plan for our
Chapter 4. showing us producing product, processes and initial state of LINE20. It
was needed to create first balance for employees and observe how it works. From this chapter
we have data about times can be collected and used in analysis and calculations in next two
Whole chapter 5. was about modernization of LINE20. The main part of Diploma
Thesis was described there – robot was chosen, new times for robotic operation was
calculated and also production process was modernized for new situation. Because of all this
steps the times of producing one component can be estimate and then we can go to the last
chapter – calculation.
At the end of this Diploma Thesis it has to be done some simple calculation connected
with 2 year term for cost returning. Summary will be the answer on question: Did the
robotization of this assembly cell have sense and can it bring expected profits?
The aim of the master thesis is to analyse the methods and tools used in mass production
optimization with particular emphasis on assembly operations.
The practical part of the work should describe the initial state of the really existing (in
GKN Driveline in Oleśnica) assembly cell for a single product and propose the use of
the previously described methods and optimization tools due to guidelines.
1. Literature analysis in the area of cell optimization in mass production.
2. Presentation of initial state of the assembly cell, product, technology and guidelines
which aims to modernize.
3. Proposition of new layout, description of processes which will be modernize.
4. Presentation of valid parameters show positive impact on production process.
Innovation and development of modern technology is one of the most important elements
for the industry to gain competitive advantage. Intelligent solutions, the use of Big Data and
the increasing integration capabilities of the systems make the term Industry 4.0 increasingly
popular and no one is surprised by the investment in this tool. Puls Biznesu reports that 25%
of business executives know what the smart industry term is, while 56.7% of them use the
robotics elements of their production lines. That's not all - 44.3% of the respondents
indicated that they use Big Data solutions, and 40.2% use machine to machine and internet-
based solutions (data from the Millward Brown, a large-scale, on- Siemens).
The use of smart technology is therefore inevitable for all industries. [1]
1.1. INDUSTRY 4.0
The first industrial revolution initiated the invention of a steam engine and
mechanization of work, the second one involved the introduction of mass production
techniques, the third was in the last few decades with the introduction of electronic systems
and information technology which automatize production processes.
It is assumed that the fourth industrial revolution is fuelled by the development of new
technologies such as cloud computing, Big Data and Internet of Things. Most of the solutions
needed to run it are: internet, standardized data transfer protocols for production sites,
simulation software, and collaborative portals that facilitate real-time engineering. The so-
called Revolution 4.0 is a transition to cyber-physical systems. [2, 26]
The Internet of Things are all everyday devices incorporated into a global network, smart
and managed remotely. Today we can control the TV, change the temperature at home and
receive remote notifications. The Idea of the Internet Things are also developing dynamically
outside the immediate area of each of us. The industry in all its varied forms begins to
intensively build competitive advantage by using "connected" machines (Figure 1.1.).
IoT consists of 4 basic elements:
• devices that allow for active collection and transmission of measurement data
representing their operation,
• the communication network that connects the device (ie the Internet),
• information systems capable of gathering incoming data,
• analytical solutions that process data and allow for inference and gaining additional
business value.
Figure 1.1. Internet of Things in relation industrial – consumer [29]
We are witnessing the fourth industrial revolution. Its key element is the creation of
systems of interconnected sensors and actuators operating within a single global network.
On the factory halls are built so-called. Things, but unlike the consumer market, they meet
much more difficult requirements. In order to meet customer expectations, many automation
companies have now started to offer solutions specifically tailored for the Internet of Things
in the industry. [3]
The fact that the Internet Things is a novelty confirms the state of implementation of this
type of technology in the industry, where always the application of new technological
solutions is somewhat delayed in relation to the consumer market. Industrial Internet Things
are conceptually strongly promoted but also met with great resistance from maintenance
engineers or factory managers. As for certain issues, there is no doubt that modern factories,
in order to remain competitive in their fields, need to monitor the conditions of their
respective processes more and more precisely. This, however, requires the use of a large
number of sensors, from which large amounts of data are collected. Furthermore, the
separate processing of individual data groups usually significantly limits the possibility of
reasoning based on them. Therefore, it is crucial to send and collect all this information in
central database systems and then process them efficiently.
These data can be very valuable and this is for many completely different reasons. Not
only do they contain some critical information about ongoing processes that could have
leaked important business secrets if leaked. They are also valuable because of the hidden
knowledge that can be drawn from them using appropriate algorithms. To do this, in practice,
you need to use the most powerful enough computers, and a good way to get high computing
power at low cost is to use the servers in the cloud. However, the idea of passing large
amounts of valuable data to the Internet is often the point at which industrial owners say
"stop." That's why IoT technology vendors in the industry have had to address some
additional problems to convince their customers of the benefits of the Industrial IoT. [4]
A major problem in deploying the Internet Things in the industry are connecting the two
worlds: IT and operational (OT). Industrial IT systems are used to plan logistics, manage
customer relationships, and help you make key decisions about how your business operates.
Operating systems, however, serve to monitor the operating conditions of the devices,
control them and to control the processes. The differences between IT and OT lie not only
in different software but also in the requirements of these systems, implemented standards,
and even in the way people work. [3]
The benefits of IoT implementation can be estimated on the example of manufacturing
plants. Accenture, based on its contacts and partners, has calculated that a well-organized
Internet of Things in a factory increases its productivity by up to 30%. It is also said to reduce
downtime by up to 12% with predictive maintenance, allowing up to 30% reduction in
maintenance costs and up to 70% unforeseen failures. This data comes from real-world
installations, such as the London Water and Sewage Plant, which significantly reduces the
number of vulnerabilities in its infrastructure through thorough installation, deep analysis
and access to real-time data. [4]
Internet Things in the industry is a concept that can be implemented in many ways. The
same is true of Industry 4.0, which also functions as a concept for the development of
industrial plants. What is more, both these ideas are very close to each other, and their
differentiation results more from the origin of the individual terms. It is possible that the
Industrial Internet Stuff is perceived as the same concept for Industry 4.0, but not from
Europe, but from the USA. In addition, some companies are trying to spread the word about
their own products and which, if they were popularized, could have a positive impact on
their device's recognizability. All this is happening for a reason. The Internet of Things
seems to be a natural consequence of the evolution of devices, both consumer and industrial.
In the latter case, it is a change that is so significant and profound that it can be called another
industrial revolution. And while it sometimes leads to a performance improvement of only
one percent, it should not be ignored. Current realities require that this type of optimization
be pursued and the Internet for Things seems to be the best way to be successful.
Big Data defines the tendency for the search, retrieval, collection and processing of
available data. It is a method of legal gathering of information from various sources and then
analyzing and using it for your own purposes. As a result, a consumer profile is created
which is later used to, for example, increase sales. The main thing in Big Data is therefore
to process information and use in practice the conclusions flowing from it rather than
collecting data itself.
It is worth pointing out once again that the data collected and processed by analysts is
obtained lawfully. Most often, they are related to services that already use it. So for example:
• banks collect data that results from movements in user accounts, such as payments
made, their size and type of items purchased,
• companies release their own applications that are downloaded by users to
smartphones or tablets. When you install a product on your device, you most often
automatically agree to the application's access to your data,
• internet service providers may also collect such data through the service provided.
Most often, consent is given in the rules.
Big Data is a tool that helps organizations better understand their own environment and
consumers who use their products or services. So it is up to the qualified and knowledgeable
staff to determine whether the companies will be able to use the collected data in an ethical
and non-damaging manner to current and future users. [5]
The manufacturing sector, particularly the process industry, is an excellent "generator"
of information. It is estimated that in a typical FMCG facility producing hygienic articles,
the number of events and changing values that could be recorded gives about a thousand
data samples every ... 5 ms. After conversion it is 500 million per hour and 4 trillion per
year. This is a huge amount of information that hides a lot of tips on how to optimize
production processes, energy consumption and efficient use of machinery. In the case of
chemical industry and related industries the numbers are about orders of magnitude larger
and even minimal process improvements translate into big money. The only problem is how
to find the most important data.
With this problem industry is trying to cope not from today. Businesses use database
software, they also implement historical data analysis tools to find trends and anomalies.
There are also possibilities of using complex algorithms that, based on real-time correlation
calculations, define, for example, the reason for stopping the production line and can direct
the operations of the personnel. The fact that GE and IBM are the most "advanced"
companies in the industry's Big Data industry are the new numbers and variations of this
data. This necessitates the use of completely new technologies that will allow for the most
efficient archiving of all process information - regardless of quantity and then efficient
analysis. They are based on the example of Proficy Historian HD, data wholesalers, the use
of global, distributed computing infrastructure and cloud computing. The purpose of these
treatments is to enable the "full" bandwidth of the terabytes per year, only those that are
actually needed at the time to optimize the process or, for example, predictive maintenance.
Of course, as is the case for MES systems, they are not tools for everyone. They will
certainly be interested in companies with extended machinery parks and companies
operating in geographically large areas, ie, for example media providers. Over time,
however, these technologies will penetrate into smaller analytical systems and standard
database software. Today, however, it is important to note that a new, promising concept in
the area of process data processing and data mining is developing. [6]
However, the outline of technological development is, however, a catch. The main
barrier to the implementation of the discussed systems is not the ability to analyse data but,
above all, to retrieve them. Hence, the cost and often the prerequisite for implementing any
IT solution is to measure the installation and complete data acquisition. Assuming that the
Internet of Things will come with help, and that in the future we will have unbelievable
resources in the future, one thing will not change - the other side will still need man. He must
have knowledge of the process, be able to decide what to analyse and how to use his tools.
Big Data will certainly provide new opportunities, but it will not slow it down because it
cannot be programmed. So if we ever decide before we invest in ultra-modern IT tools, it is
important to remember that every system is just as good as the operator operating it. [7]
A computing cloud is a service that provides remote access to the computing power of
IT equipment offered by external entities, available on demand at any time, and scalable as
Cloud computing (Figure 1.2.) is an alternative to your own data centre, without
requiring significant investment costs associated with the construction of an appropriate data
centre infrastructure. In this case, we will use the professionally prepared infrastructure and
computing power of the IT service provider (resource pool). The computing power
(processors, RAM, disk space, network devices, firewalls, bandwidth, etc.) will be increased
or decreased at any time at our request, and the only limitation will be the size of the available
pool of service provider resources. Thanks to the use of virtualization, this pool is available
to every user according to his momentary needs. Charges in such a model are only charged
and deactivated for actually used computing power at a given time. The user, using a
specially prepared interface provider, is able to automatically add or remove virtual
machines or their resources at any time.
The number of information gained from machines and production systems is increasing
exponentially, so there is a need for intelligent applications that allow for the analysis and
analysis of inferences. The latter should be different, depending on the organizational level
of the company. Then it would be best to manage the production, optimize it and increase
the quality of the product.
Figure 1.2. Example of cloud computing – MindSphere [8]
At the bottom of the computing cloud are different data sources and devices - for
example, drivers, robots, drives, sensors, computers, and more. On the other hand, cloud
computing is the "on top" of IT systems that allow for the processing, analysis and
visualization of data.
Introducing the cloud not only reduces the cost of storing data, but it makes it possible
to connect all systems and applications to one location. Combining two cloud and IoT
technologies, we can now use global sensors to store, process, and share data to mobile
devices anywhere in the world. [8]
Automation and robotization enters more and more sectors of the economy - not just the
typical applications in the machinery (Figure 1.3.), food industry, but also in other areas of
social life. It is currently believed that the development of robots will involve expanding the
use of robots to new non-industrial areas, mainly in services, medicine and the
pharmaceutical industry.
Figure 1.3. Cooperative robots’ work processing automotive body frames
Increased labour costs, increased competitiveness and continuous search for investment
cost reductions, increased production flexibility while ensuring high repeatability of end-
product quality are key factors in the development of automation and robotics, which
encompasses not only single sites but also entire production lines. Contemporary industrial
robots are the solutions that contribute to a significant increase in production efficiency,
financial success of an enterprise and increase its prestige.
Manufacturers of industrial robots (Figure 1.4.), by introducing new designs to the
market, strive for greater mobility and adaptability. The most popular robotic articulated
constructions of robots have the ability to be used for practically any application. The
benefits of buying a robot, however, are their price. This is particularly evident in
applications where the task can be performed by a mechanism with less degrees of freedom
than the one offered by the robot. This is why simple manipulators often use manipulators
of a design that is dedicated to a specific application instead of robots.
Dedicated solutions are characterized by the fact that it is difficult for them to replace a
particular manufacturer. Mostly, however, they are based on kinematic schemes that allow
the execution of motion in 2, 3 or 4 axes - usually linear. The manner in which the
manipulator moves in the axes of the manipulator often uses commonly available
components, such as bearings and linear guides or ball screws. Currently available in the
market in this area allow to meet even very specific customer requirements, ie increased load
capacity or resistance to dirt and thus the ability to work in a dusty environment. [9]
Figure 1.4. Types of robots using in industry [30]
At this time we are witnessing some interesting changes in automation and robotics,
called the fourth industrial revolution, or industry 4.0. The basic principle of the change is
the combination of the information technology world with highly developed industry-
standard technologies in the CPPS (Cyber Physical Production Systems). Only with
efficient, flexible and, above all, safe manufacturing systems, will future-oriented
automation concepts be developed.
The robot is the decisive component of the future factory in which the human being
stands (Figure 1.5.). Developed new products must also be compatible with the surrounding
digital world. For flexible response, control of data streams from global networks around the
globe and their processing and linking of digital control systems to different systems,
standardized interfaces based on mainstream information technologies are indispensable.
Figure 1.5. Employee working with robot [9]
Three main priorities are emerging: mobility, control and human co-operation, which
reflect specific solutions in the field of robotics and control systems. [10]
Technological progress in the production process manifesting itself in mechanization,
automation and chemistry, as well as the growth of small and medium manufacturing plants,
the expansion of infrastructure, etc. It is increasing the demand for good organization of
workstations, methods of job evaluation, the value of this work.
Since the beginning of the establishment of the work organization industry, these
problems have been solved by various methods. Particular attention was paid to the reduction
of production costs. Electricity consumption, elimination idle of machines.
Entrepreneurships are trying to make the most of the work of manufacturing and office
equipment, saving the use of light energy - not by reducing light intensity, but by optimizing
the intensity for different types of work. These issues are the subject of ergonomic analyses,
an important element of the close environment of the workplace. In contrast, the degree of
use of machines and their efficiency depends on technical parameters, depends on working
Therefore, organizational research is aimed at determining, for example, the
unproductive working time of machines, the cost-effectiveness of multi-machine operation,
and the use of time-based techniques based on direct observation (snapshot of the working
day) and the analysis of production and economic documentation. These, and other
organizational techniques are described in this chapter. [22, 27]
Working day study is an element of projects aimed at studying the effectiveness of
working time and, consequently, optimizing work processes and analysing employee
effectiveness. The main source of information for work day photography is observation
based on a specially prepared observation sheet. This sheet may have varying degrees of
complexity depending on the specific objectives to be achieved.
Purpose of taking photos of the working day:
• review and analysis of work processes including such elements as work organization,
working time, time relationship used ineffectively to the time effectively used,
importance of particular tasks and activities.
• analysis of workload at individual positions,
• analysis of ergonomics of processes and work practices,
• observation of employee behaviour during their work (the main source of
information in this case is observation and information collected from employees).
• observation and analysis of workplace relationships, such as the climate of
cooperation, the level of involvement of employees.
Implementing the above aims allows us to draw conclusions concerning:
• the degree of time spent by the employee,
• determine the ergonomics of work and the number of necessary posts and staff,
• identification of job evaluation criteria
• production planning,
• analysis of the processes taking place in the company,
• analysis of hardware needs and technologies necessary for work. [11, 28]
Standardization is the process of introducing, communicating and improving standards.
Without it, it is impossible to continually improve and achieve operational excellence.
Standardization, standard and standard work are three concepts that should be understood
by every employee of the company - from the CEO to the operator.
Standard work is the best method of producing products. Its basic principle is to conduct
production in an effective and repetitive manner, by concentrating on human movements
and systematically improving the elements of work. Standardization allows each line
employee and supervisor to regulate and control the process.
Standard is a rule or example that clearly describes the specific requirements. Must be
strict, defined, documented and respected. [12]
Standardization is one of the basic principles of Lean Manufacturing. It makes it easier
to observe processes, measure them, discern discrepancies, and reveal problems. We often
associate standardization with stiffening of working methods, freezing of change and
bureaucracy, which is a direct result of our experience of the examples of standardization as
an end in itself, without realizing that it only makes sense in balance with continuous
improvement and as a building tool needed for improvement. stability. Standardization used
as a method of work organization for making changes for the better is undoubtedly a dynamic
Figure 2.1. Standardization presented as a wedge that allows the change to be fixed until further
improvement [21]
Standardization (Figure 2.1.) is a wedge that prevents the ball from rolling off the ramp.
Standardization of the process provides him with a point of momentary support, from which
one can continue the way up. This is momentary support, as the wedge can crunch under the
weight, so standard, the meaning and content of which is not constantly being made known
to users who are not audited and updated if necessary, ceases to play its role of fixing the
change and will not stop it from returning to use. Previous, worse practices and norms. Man
trying to sort out the world around him has long used standardization. [21]
In Lean Management systems, standardization has several basic uses:
• organization of the workplace,
• visualization,
• standardization of work,
• time management tact.
The first focuses on defining the organization of the environment in which the work is
done, the second introduces the rules for describing and marking in the environment, the
third defines the desired behaviour of the human and its interaction with the machine, and
puts the work in measurable temporal categories.
Standard work is defined as: approved, documented, currently the best method for safe
and efficient work on the required quality level.
Standardization can yield all processes that meet two basic conditions:
• are repetitive,
• can be described.
It would seem that the repetition condition disqualifies processes that are not happening
in frequent cycles, that is, standardization will make little sense for short work that results in
long series of the same product. In practice it is difficult to imagine a process that is not to
some degree repetitive:
• it may not repeat itself at any given hour on a given day but may appear
repeatedly on a monthly or yearly scale (for example, the production of a rare
variant of a product),
• you may not repeat yourself, but will repeat to other employees (e.g. pre-
• it may not repeat itself for a given plant, but it has a good chance of repetition
(for example, the construction of a new factory). [13]
Standardization will bring us benefits if we apply it in all of the aforementioned
situations, but for frequently repetitive production and peri-productive work, its introduction
is an essential prerequisite for obtaining control of process parameters as well as any
possibilities for improvement. All Lean Management tools and methods can be assessed for
the difficulty of implementation and the benefits they can bring. One could argue for a
precise positioning of the standardization of work in a matrix that takes into account both of
these criteria, but it is undoubtedly a relatively difficult tool to implement fully (permanently,
throughout the enterprise, with all the elements), while giving a very measurable, substantial
benefit. [14]
This is one of the research methodology: continuous monitoring using a chronometer.
Chronometry is the recording of the duration and rate of execution of individual components
of a technological operation, which allows you to specify the performance standards of a
work task or part thereof. Chronometry consists of phases such as analysis of the work
process with the breakdown of the component activities, the completion of the necessary
measurement of each activity, presentation of the results in tabular form (Figure 2.2.) or in
the form of a man-machine card and determination of the process time under normal
Figure 2.2. Example of Time Study sheet [31]
Chronometry is used in the study of working methods and in the development of labour
standards in an analytical-experimental way. The timing method has been developing since
the second half of the 19th century. Its present form owes to S.E. Thompson, who developed
it by measuring the time during the construction work, then took the experience he used to
formulate the principles of timing measurements. [27]
Hourly observations include measuring the duration of work cycle components using the
appropriate instruments, recording results in the form, and estimating the pace of work.
Because the time itself is usually measured at the time of the timing, it is necessary to enlarge
it with appropriate additional times, i.e. preparatory and finishing time, and additional time
overhead, including time for rest (tf) and workstation (to). [15]
2.4. SMED
SMED Methodology (Single Minute Exchange of Die) is a collection of techniques and
tools designed to shorten the time of setting up machines, devices and production processes.
The main goal of the method, developed by the Japanese engineer Shigeo Shingo, is to make
each unit in minutes (up to 10 minutes) by dividing and simplifying the process so that the
arms are made with the smallest amount of tools.
SMED is an acronym for the English Single Minute Exchange of Die, which means
exchanging forms in one-digit minutes. The methodology originally created to assist in the
quick setting up of presses has been successfully used in many different industries. It is worth
pointing out that while it is often impossible to shorten the duration of armaments to less
than 10 minutes, practice shows that every use of the SMED approach results in a very
shortening and simplification of the tuning process. [23]
Seven steps (Figure 2.3.) of Setup Reduction in the picture below:
Figure 2.3. Seven stages of SMED [32]
POLITECHNIKA WROCŁAWSKA WYDZIAŁ MECHANICZNY WROCŁAW 2017 KIERUNEK: Zarządzanie i Inżynieria Produkcji w języku angielskim SPECJALNOŚĆ: Production management PRACA DYPLOMOWA MAGISTERSKA Modernizacja wybranego gniazda produkcyjnego z uwzględnieniem częściowej robotyzacji operacji montażu Modernization of the production cell including robotic assembly operations AUTOR: Magdalena Żuk PROMOTOR: dr inż. Kamil Krot, W10/K3 OCENA PRACY:
TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract............................................................................................................................. 5 Abstract in Polish ............................................................................................................. 6 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 7 Objectives, scope and tasks to do..................................................................................... 9 1. Trends in automatization of production processes .................................................... 10 1.1. Industry 4.0...................................................................................................................................10 1.2. The Internet of Things (IoT).........................................................................................................11 1.3. Big Data .......................................................................................................................................13 1.4. Cloud Computing .........................................................................................................................15 1.5. Robotization .................................................................................................................................17 2. Methods and tools used in production optimization.................................................. 20 2.1. Working day study .......................................................................................................................20 2.2. Standard work ..............................................................................................................................21 2.3. Time study....................................................................................................................................24 2.4. SMED...........................................................................................................................................25 2.5. PDCA ...........................................................................................................................................26 2.6. JIT ................................................................................................................................................28 3. Guidelines & plan of the modernization.................................................................... 31 4. Initial state of the assembly cell................................................................................. 33 4.1. Produced component ....................................................................................................................33 4.2. Used technology...........................................................................................................................36 4.3. Work places..................................................................................................................................39 4.4. Layout ..........................................................................................................................................52 4.5. Presentation of the process ...........................................................................................................53 5. Modernization of the assembly cell........................................................................... 59 5.1. Analysis of manual operations .....................................................................................................59 5.2. Selection of the robot ...................................................................................................................65 5.3. Ergonomic and safety at workstations..........................................................................................69 5.4. New layout ...................................................................................................................................70 5.5. Presentation of the modernized process .......................................................................................71 6. Comparison................................................................................................................ 76 Summary......................................................................................................................... 80 Bibliography................................................................................................................... 83 List of figures ................................................................................................................. 85 List of tables ................................................................................................................... 87
5 ABSTRACT The subject of this Master Thesis is development of the modernization concept about really existing assembly cell in GKN Driveline company in Oleśnica. Therefore, should be described some methods and techniques in production improvement, on which we can base on. It should be also presented evaluation parameters of initial and modernized state, which show that implemented changes improve production. The structure of this diploma thesis are two theoretical chapters and three chapters about the main problem: one introductory part about assembly cell and one chapter about my own modernization activities. In theoretical chapters are described nowadays trends of automatization and robotization in production processes. Then was presented a lot of methods and techniques which we can use during improvement the quality of producing product. We can distinguish two ways of techniques: methods used in betterment production organization and some philosophies in constantly improvement of quality. Next chapter is about initial state of the really existing assembly cell. It is described assembled component, work stations which are the part of assembly cell and all steps of operations during assembly process. When whole view about assembly process was clear, there was time for thinking about what we want to improve and in which way. The last chapter is about concept of modernization. First, the guidelines was presented and, using initially characterized trends and techniques, the modernization idea was described. Then, the selection of the robot and the main part of this thesis – process simulation and comparison of two state – was presented. Creating the modernization concept and doing simulations of two processes – with and without robotization – were needed to make a decision about improvement. After that, it can be possible to see which solution brings more benefits and will be more lucrative for company.
6 ABSTRACT IN POLISH Tematem niniejszej Pracy Dyplomowej jest stworzenie koncepcji modernizacji rzeczywiście istniejącej linii produkcyjnej w firmie GKN Driveline w Oleśnicy. W związku z tym powinny zostać opisane niektóre metody oraz techniki używane w usprawnieniu produkcji na których można bazować w niniejszej pracy dyplomowej. Dodatkowo powinny zostać zaprezentowane informacje na temat stanu wejściowego oraz stanu zmodernizowanego, które po porównaniu pokażą korzyści płynące z modernizacji. Strukturą tej pracy dyplomowej są dwa rozdziały teoretyczne oraz trzy rozdziały dotyczące głównego problemu: jeden wprowadzający, w którym opisany został produkt oraz gniazdo produkcyjne w stanie początkowym, oraz 2 ostatnie dotyczące moich własnych pomysłów i koncepcji działań modernizacyjnych. W ostatnim rozdziale znajdują się również proste kalkulacje, które pomagają porównać stan przed i po robotyzacji. W rozdziałach teoretycznych opisane zostały trendy występujące w automatyzacji przemysłu oraz techniki i metody organizacyjne używane w usprawnieniu procesów produkcyjnych, między innymi te, z których korzysta współpracująca przy pracy dyplomowej firma GKN. Rozdziały praktyczne kończą się podsumowaniem, w którym ostatecznie porównane zostają miarodajne parametry dotyczące gniazda produkcyjnego przed i po modernizacji. Przypomniane zostają również szerokie korzyści płynące z zastosowanie robotyzacji w naszym konkretnym przypadku.
7 INTRODUCTION In the past, many things were done manually. Great manufactures were created. There were certain machines in them, but they came gradually and were not like today. Today many functions can be performed as a human machine. And it has its advantages. First of all, because machines can replace a person in many difficult situations. Industrial robots are very popular. And no wonder. It could have been predicted that robotization would not prevent the industry. Robots can handle a man where he needs a lot of strength, endurance, where repetitive work is or where work can be dangerous to man. This is related to the use of chemicals or high temperatures. The robot can be used to paint individual parts of a product that is manufactured at the factory. Imagine car production. The robot can paint individual parts of the car that are subsequently passed on the production line. The use of a robot in this case has many advantages. Man does not get stained with paint, the robot can have a paint tank and do the same thing over and over again. The same applies to chemical reagents. This robot can spray the elements passing through the production line. Robots can be used for storage. They can carry individual items, and those that would be too heavy for a man and arranged according to a certain pattern. They can pick up individual items from the final section of the production line and store them in strictly defined areas. Then these finished products will be picked up and transported to the warehouse, and from there will be prepared for further efforts. [25] In this Diploma Thesis we meet with the first described situation – repeatable actions in automotive industry. GKN Driveline company order new assembly cell – which will be called LINE20 planned for 4 employees, but with the idea of later robotization. Moves doing by employees was not complicated and repeatable – so robot seem to be better option for this production process. Robots are also increasing productivity in the manufacturing facility. And security. This means not only additional financial gains. It also means easier work and saves time. GKN Driveline company want to implement robotization in order to get better results on
8 LINE20 and more profits from production. Company wanted also reduce 2 employees – at the beginning there were 4 employees on the line, without robot. There will be some limitation like place on the hall and maximum times for transport operation. GKN Driveline wanted also, that cost of implementation of robot will return during 2 years. Above issues are described in subsequent chapters in this Diploma Thesis. First, in chapters 1. and 2. are considered trends in automatization of processes and also methods used in improvement of production processes. In chapter 3. we goes to the man problem in this Diploma Thesis – here was presented guidelines and limitations of project. It was also formulate an action plan for our modernization. Chapter 4. showing us producing product, processes and initial state of LINE20. It was needed to create first balance for employees and observe how it works. From this chapter we have data about times can be collected and used in analysis and calculations in next two chapter. Whole chapter 5. was about modernization of LINE20. The main part of Diploma Thesis was described there – robot was chosen, new times for robotic operation was calculated and also production process was modernized for new situation. Because of all this steps the times of producing one component can be estimate and then we can go to the last chapter – calculation. At the end of this Diploma Thesis it has to be done some simple calculation connected with 2 year term for cost returning. Summary will be the answer on question: Did the robotization of this assembly cell have sense and can it bring expected profits?
9 OBJECTIVES, SCOPE AND TASKS TO DO OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE: The aim of the master thesis is to analyse the methods and tools used in mass production optimization with particular emphasis on assembly operations. The practical part of the work should describe the initial state of the really existing (in GKN Driveline in Oleśnica) assembly cell for a single product and propose the use of the previously described methods and optimization tools due to guidelines. TASKS TO DO: 1. Literature analysis in the area of cell optimization in mass production. 2. Presentation of initial state of the assembly cell, product, technology and guidelines which aims to modernize. 3. Proposition of new layout, description of processes which will be modernize. 4. Presentation of valid parameters show positive impact on production process.
10 1. TRENDS IN AUTOMATIZATION OF PRODUCTION PROCESSES Innovation and development of modern technology is one of the most important elements for the industry to gain competitive advantage. Intelligent solutions, the use of Big Data and the increasing integration capabilities of the systems make the term Industry 4.0 increasingly popular and no one is surprised by the investment in this tool. Puls Biznesu reports that 25% of business executives know what the smart industry term is, while 56.7% of them use the robotics elements of their production lines. That's not all - 44.3% of the respondents indicated that they use Big Data solutions, and 40.2% use machine to machine and internet- based solutions (data from the Millward Brown, a large-scale, on- Siemens). The use of smart technology is therefore inevitable for all industries. [1] 1.1. INDUSTRY 4.0 The first industrial revolution initiated the invention of a steam engine and mechanization of work, the second one involved the introduction of mass production techniques, the third was in the last few decades with the introduction of electronic systems and information technology which automatize production processes. It is assumed that the fourth industrial revolution is fuelled by the development of new technologies such as cloud computing, Big Data and Internet of Things. Most of the solutions needed to run it are: internet, standardized data transfer protocols for production sites, simulation software, and collaborative portals that facilitate real-time engineering. The so- called Revolution 4.0 is a transition to cyber-physical systems. [2, 26]
11 1.2. THE INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) The Internet of Things are all everyday devices incorporated into a global network, smart and managed remotely. Today we can control the TV, change the temperature at home and receive remote notifications. The Idea of the Internet Things are also developing dynamically outside the immediate area of each of us. The industry in all its varied forms begins to intensively build competitive advantage by using "connected" machines (Figure 1.1.). IoT consists of 4 basic elements: • devices that allow for active collection and transmission of measurement data representing their operation, • the communication network that connects the device (ie the Internet), • information systems capable of gathering incoming data, • analytical solutions that process data and allow for inference and gaining additional business value. Figure 1.1. Internet of Things in relation industrial – consumer [29] We are witnessing the fourth industrial revolution. Its key element is the creation of systems of interconnected sensors and actuators operating within a single global network. On the factory halls are built so-called. Things, but unlike the consumer market, they meet much more difficult requirements. In order to meet customer expectations, many automation
12 companies have now started to offer solutions specifically tailored for the Internet of Things in the industry. [3] The fact that the Internet Things is a novelty confirms the state of implementation of this type of technology in the industry, where always the application of new technological solutions is somewhat delayed in relation to the consumer market. Industrial Internet Things are conceptually strongly promoted but also met with great resistance from maintenance engineers or factory managers. As for certain issues, there is no doubt that modern factories, in order to remain competitive in their fields, need to monitor the conditions of their respective processes more and more precisely. This, however, requires the use of a large number of sensors, from which large amounts of data are collected. Furthermore, the separate processing of individual data groups usually significantly limits the possibility of reasoning based on them. Therefore, it is crucial to send and collect all this information in central database systems and then process them efficiently. These data can be very valuable and this is for many completely different reasons. Not only do they contain some critical information about ongoing processes that could have leaked important business secrets if leaked. They are also valuable because of the hidden knowledge that can be drawn from them using appropriate algorithms. To do this, in practice, you need to use the most powerful enough computers, and a good way to get high computing power at low cost is to use the servers in the cloud. However, the idea of passing large amounts of valuable data to the Internet is often the point at which industrial owners say "stop." That's why IoT technology vendors in the industry have had to address some additional problems to convince their customers of the benefits of the Industrial IoT. [4] A major problem in deploying the Internet Things in the industry are connecting the two worlds: IT and operational (OT). Industrial IT systems are used to plan logistics, manage customer relationships, and help you make key decisions about how your business operates. Operating systems, however, serve to monitor the operating conditions of the devices, control them and to control the processes. The differences between IT and OT lie not only in different software but also in the requirements of these systems, implemented standards, and even in the way people work. [3] The benefits of IoT implementation can be estimated on the example of manufacturing plants. Accenture, based on its contacts and partners, has calculated that a well-organized
13 Internet of Things in a factory increases its productivity by up to 30%. It is also said to reduce downtime by up to 12% with predictive maintenance, allowing up to 30% reduction in maintenance costs and up to 70% unforeseen failures. This data comes from real-world installations, such as the London Water and Sewage Plant, which significantly reduces the number of vulnerabilities in its infrastructure through thorough installation, deep analysis and access to real-time data. [4] Internet Things in the industry is a concept that can be implemented in many ways. The same is true of Industry 4.0, which also functions as a concept for the development of industrial plants. What is more, both these ideas are very close to each other, and their differentiation results more from the origin of the individual terms. It is possible that the Industrial Internet Stuff is perceived as the same concept for Industry 4.0, but not from Europe, but from the USA. In addition, some companies are trying to spread the word about their own products and which, if they were popularized, could have a positive impact on their device's recognizability. All this is happening for a reason. The Internet of Things seems to be a natural consequence of the evolution of devices, both consumer and industrial. In the latter case, it is a change that is so significant and profound that it can be called another industrial revolution. And while it sometimes leads to a performance improvement of only one percent, it should not be ignored. Current realities require that this type of optimization be pursued and the Internet for Things seems to be the best way to be successful. 1.3. BIG DATA Big Data defines the tendency for the search, retrieval, collection and processing of available data. It is a method of legal gathering of information from various sources and then analyzing and using it for your own purposes. As a result, a consumer profile is created which is later used to, for example, increase sales. The main thing in Big Data is therefore to process information and use in practice the conclusions flowing from it rather than collecting data itself. It is worth pointing out once again that the data collected and processed by analysts is obtained lawfully. Most often, they are related to services that already use it. So for example: • banks collect data that results from movements in user accounts, such as payments made, their size and type of items purchased,
14 • companies release their own applications that are downloaded by users to smartphones or tablets. When you install a product on your device, you most often automatically agree to the application's access to your data, • internet service providers may also collect such data through the service provided. Most often, consent is given in the rules. Big Data is a tool that helps organizations better understand their own environment and consumers who use their products or services. So it is up to the qualified and knowledgeable staff to determine whether the companies will be able to use the collected data in an ethical and non-damaging manner to current and future users. [5] The manufacturing sector, particularly the process industry, is an excellent "generator" of information. It is estimated that in a typical FMCG facility producing hygienic articles, the number of events and changing values that could be recorded gives about a thousand data samples every ... 5 ms. After conversion it is 500 million per hour and 4 trillion per year. This is a huge amount of information that hides a lot of tips on how to optimize production processes, energy consumption and efficient use of machinery. In the case of chemical industry and related industries the numbers are about orders of magnitude larger and even minimal process improvements translate into big money. The only problem is how to find the most important data. With this problem industry is trying to cope not from today. Businesses use database software, they also implement historical data analysis tools to find trends and anomalies. There are also possibilities of using complex algorithms that, based on real-time correlation calculations, define, for example, the reason for stopping the production line and can direct the operations of the personnel. The fact that GE and IBM are the most "advanced" companies in the industry's Big Data industry are the new numbers and variations of this data. This necessitates the use of completely new technologies that will allow for the most efficient archiving of all process information - regardless of quantity and then efficient analysis. They are based on the example of Proficy Historian HD, data wholesalers, the use of global, distributed computing infrastructure and cloud computing. The purpose of these treatments is to enable the "full" bandwidth of the terabytes per year, only those that are actually needed at the time to optimize the process or, for example, predictive maintenance.
15 Of course, as is the case for MES systems, they are not tools for everyone. They will certainly be interested in companies with extended machinery parks and companies operating in geographically large areas, ie, for example media providers. Over time, however, these technologies will penetrate into smaller analytical systems and standard database software. Today, however, it is important to note that a new, promising concept in the area of process data processing and data mining is developing. [6] However, the outline of technological development is, however, a catch. The main barrier to the implementation of the discussed systems is not the ability to analyse data but, above all, to retrieve them. Hence, the cost and often the prerequisite for implementing any IT solution is to measure the installation and complete data acquisition. Assuming that the Internet of Things will come with help, and that in the future we will have unbelievable resources in the future, one thing will not change - the other side will still need man. He must have knowledge of the process, be able to decide what to analyse and how to use his tools. Big Data will certainly provide new opportunities, but it will not slow it down because it cannot be programmed. So if we ever decide before we invest in ultra-modern IT tools, it is important to remember that every system is just as good as the operator operating it. [7] 1.4. CLOUD COMPUTING A computing cloud is a service that provides remote access to the computing power of IT equipment offered by external entities, available on demand at any time, and scalable as needed. Cloud computing (Figure 1.2.) is an alternative to your own data centre, without requiring significant investment costs associated with the construction of an appropriate data centre infrastructure. In this case, we will use the professionally prepared infrastructure and computing power of the IT service provider (resource pool). The computing power (processors, RAM, disk space, network devices, firewalls, bandwidth, etc.) will be increased or decreased at any time at our request, and the only limitation will be the size of the available pool of service provider resources. Thanks to the use of virtualization, this pool is available to every user according to his momentary needs. Charges in such a model are only charged and deactivated for actually used computing power at a given time. The user, using a
16 specially prepared interface provider, is able to automatically add or remove virtual machines or their resources at any time. The number of information gained from machines and production systems is increasing exponentially, so there is a need for intelligent applications that allow for the analysis and analysis of inferences. The latter should be different, depending on the organizational level of the company. Then it would be best to manage the production, optimize it and increase the quality of the product. Figure 1.2. Example of cloud computing – MindSphere [8] At the bottom of the computing cloud are different data sources and devices - for example, drivers, robots, drives, sensors, computers, and more. On the other hand, cloud computing is the "on top" of IT systems that allow for the processing, analysis and visualization of data. Introducing the cloud not only reduces the cost of storing data, but it makes it possible to connect all systems and applications to one location. Combining two cloud and IoT technologies, we can now use global sensors to store, process, and share data to mobile devices anywhere in the world. [8]
17 1.5. ROBOTIZATION Automation and robotization enters more and more sectors of the economy - not just the typical applications in the machinery (Figure 1.3.), food industry, but also in other areas of social life. It is currently believed that the development of robots will involve expanding the use of robots to new non-industrial areas, mainly in services, medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. Figure 1.3. Cooperative robots’ work processing automotive body frames Increased labour costs, increased competitiveness and continuous search for investment cost reductions, increased production flexibility while ensuring high repeatability of end- product quality are key factors in the development of automation and robotics, which encompasses not only single sites but also entire production lines. Contemporary industrial robots are the solutions that contribute to a significant increase in production efficiency, financial success of an enterprise and increase its prestige. Manufacturers of industrial robots (Figure 1.4.), by introducing new designs to the market, strive for greater mobility and adaptability. The most popular robotic articulated constructions of robots have the ability to be used for practically any application. The
18 benefits of buying a robot, however, are their price. This is particularly evident in applications where the task can be performed by a mechanism with less degrees of freedom than the one offered by the robot. This is why simple manipulators often use manipulators of a design that is dedicated to a specific application instead of robots. Dedicated solutions are characterized by the fact that it is difficult for them to replace a particular manufacturer. Mostly, however, they are based on kinematic schemes that allow the execution of motion in 2, 3 or 4 axes - usually linear. The manner in which the manipulator moves in the axes of the manipulator often uses commonly available components, such as bearings and linear guides or ball screws. Currently available in the market in this area allow to meet even very specific customer requirements, ie increased load capacity or resistance to dirt and thus the ability to work in a dusty environment. [9] Figure 1.4. Types of robots using in industry [30] At this time we are witnessing some interesting changes in automation and robotics, called the fourth industrial revolution, or industry 4.0. The basic principle of the change is the combination of the information technology world with highly developed industry- standard technologies in the CPPS (Cyber Physical Production Systems). Only with efficient, flexible and, above all, safe manufacturing systems, will future-oriented automation concepts be developed. The robot is the decisive component of the future factory in which the human being stands (Figure 1.5.). Developed new products must also be compatible with the surrounding digital world. For flexible response, control of data streams from global networks around the
19 globe and their processing and linking of digital control systems to different systems, standardized interfaces based on mainstream information technologies are indispensable. Figure 1.5. Employee working with robot [9] Three main priorities are emerging: mobility, control and human co-operation, which reflect specific solutions in the field of robotics and control systems. [10]
20 2. METHODS AND TOOLS USED IN PRODUCTION OPTIMIZATION Technological progress in the production process manifesting itself in mechanization, automation and chemistry, as well as the growth of small and medium manufacturing plants, the expansion of infrastructure, etc. It is increasing the demand for good organization of workstations, methods of job evaluation, the value of this work. Since the beginning of the establishment of the work organization industry, these problems have been solved by various methods. Particular attention was paid to the reduction of production costs. Electricity consumption, elimination idle of machines. Entrepreneurships are trying to make the most of the work of manufacturing and office equipment, saving the use of light energy - not by reducing light intensity, but by optimizing the intensity for different types of work. These issues are the subject of ergonomic analyses, an important element of the close environment of the workplace. In contrast, the degree of use of machines and their efficiency depends on technical parameters, depends on working time. Therefore, organizational research is aimed at determining, for example, the unproductive working time of machines, the cost-effectiveness of multi-machine operation, and the use of time-based techniques based on direct observation (snapshot of the working day) and the analysis of production and economic documentation. These, and other organizational techniques are described in this chapter. [22, 27] 2.1. WORKING DAY STUDY Working day study is an element of projects aimed at studying the effectiveness of working time and, consequently, optimizing work processes and analysing employee effectiveness. The main source of information for work day photography is observation based on a specially prepared observation sheet. This sheet may have varying degrees of complexity depending on the specific objectives to be achieved.
21 Purpose of taking photos of the working day: • review and analysis of work processes including such elements as work organization, working time, time relationship used ineffectively to the time effectively used, importance of particular tasks and activities. • analysis of workload at individual positions, • analysis of ergonomics of processes and work practices, • observation of employee behaviour during their work (the main source of information in this case is observation and information collected from employees). • observation and analysis of workplace relationships, such as the climate of cooperation, the level of involvement of employees. Implementing the above aims allows us to draw conclusions concerning: • the degree of time spent by the employee, • determine the ergonomics of work and the number of necessary posts and staff, • identification of job evaluation criteria • production planning, • analysis of the processes taking place in the company, • analysis of hardware needs and technologies necessary for work. [11, 28] 2.2. STANDARD WORK Standardization is the process of introducing, communicating and improving standards. Without it, it is impossible to continually improve and achieve operational excellence. Standardization, standard and standard work are three concepts that should be understood by every employee of the company - from the CEO to the operator. Standard work is the best method of producing products. Its basic principle is to conduct production in an effective and repetitive manner, by concentrating on human movements and systematically improving the elements of work. Standardization allows each line employee and supervisor to regulate and control the process. Standard is a rule or example that clearly describes the specific requirements. Must be strict, defined, documented and respected. [12]
22 Standardization is one of the basic principles of Lean Manufacturing. It makes it easier to observe processes, measure them, discern discrepancies, and reveal problems. We often associate standardization with stiffening of working methods, freezing of change and bureaucracy, which is a direct result of our experience of the examples of standardization as an end in itself, without realizing that it only makes sense in balance with continuous improvement and as a building tool needed for improvement. stability. Standardization used as a method of work organization for making changes for the better is undoubtedly a dynamic process. Figure 2.1. Standardization presented as a wedge that allows the change to be fixed until further improvement [21] Standardization (Figure 2.1.) is a wedge that prevents the ball from rolling off the ramp. Standardization of the process provides him with a point of momentary support, from which one can continue the way up. This is momentary support, as the wedge can crunch under the weight, so standard, the meaning and content of which is not constantly being made known to users who are not audited and updated if necessary, ceases to play its role of fixing the change and will not stop it from returning to use. Previous, worse practices and norms. Man trying to sort out the world around him has long used standardization. [21] In Lean Management systems, standardization has several basic uses: • organization of the workplace, • visualization, • standardization of work, • time management tact.
23 The first focuses on defining the organization of the environment in which the work is done, the second introduces the rules for describing and marking in the environment, the third defines the desired behaviour of the human and its interaction with the machine, and puts the work in measurable temporal categories. Standard work is defined as: approved, documented, currently the best method for safe and efficient work on the required quality level. Standardization can yield all processes that meet two basic conditions: • are repetitive, • can be described. It would seem that the repetition condition disqualifies processes that are not happening in frequent cycles, that is, standardization will make little sense for short work that results in long series of the same product. In practice it is difficult to imagine a process that is not to some degree repetitive: • it may not repeat itself at any given hour on a given day but may appear repeatedly on a monthly or yearly scale (for example, the production of a rare variant of a product), • you may not repeat yourself, but will repeat to other employees (e.g. pre- training), • it may not repeat itself for a given plant, but it has a good chance of repetition (for example, the construction of a new factory). [13] Standardization will bring us benefits if we apply it in all of the aforementioned situations, but for frequently repetitive production and peri-productive work, its introduction is an essential prerequisite for obtaining control of process parameters as well as any possibilities for improvement. All Lean Management tools and methods can be assessed for the difficulty of implementation and the benefits they can bring. One could argue for a precise positioning of the standardization of work in a matrix that takes into account both of these criteria, but it is undoubtedly a relatively difficult tool to implement fully (permanently, throughout the enterprise, with all the elements), while giving a very measurable, substantial benefit. [14]
24 2.3. TIME STUDY This is one of the research methodology: continuous monitoring using a chronometer. Chronometry is the recording of the duration and rate of execution of individual components of a technological operation, which allows you to specify the performance standards of a work task or part thereof. Chronometry consists of phases such as analysis of the work process with the breakdown of the component activities, the completion of the necessary measurement of each activity, presentation of the results in tabular form (Figure 2.2.) or in the form of a man-machine card and determination of the process time under normal conditions. Figure 2.2. Example of Time Study sheet [31] Chronometry is used in the study of working methods and in the development of labour standards in an analytical-experimental way. The timing method has been developing since the second half of the 19th century. Its present form owes to S.E. Thompson, who developed it by measuring the time during the construction work, then took the experience he used to formulate the principles of timing measurements. [27]
25 Hourly observations include measuring the duration of work cycle components using the appropriate instruments, recording results in the form, and estimating the pace of work. Because the time itself is usually measured at the time of the timing, it is necessary to enlarge it with appropriate additional times, i.e. preparatory and finishing time, and additional time overhead, including time for rest (tf) and workstation (to). [15] 2.4. SMED SMED Methodology (Single Minute Exchange of Die) is a collection of techniques and tools designed to shorten the time of setting up machines, devices and production processes. The main goal of the method, developed by the Japanese engineer Shigeo Shingo, is to make each unit in minutes (up to 10 minutes) by dividing and simplifying the process so that the arms are made with the smallest amount of tools. SMED is an acronym for the English Single Minute Exchange of Die, which means exchanging forms in one-digit minutes. The methodology originally created to assist in the quick setting up of presses has been successfully used in many different industries. It is worth pointing out that while it is often impossible to shorten the duration of armaments to less than 10 minutes, practice shows that every use of the SMED approach results in a very shortening and simplification of the tuning process. [23] Seven steps (Figure 2.3.) of Setup Reduction in the picture below: Figure 2.3. Seven stages of SMED [32]