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100 greatest sc-fi characters

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Total Film and SFX present STARWARS DOCTORWHO TERMINATOR STARTREK AVENGERS Batman Aliens Heroesandvillains fromfilmandTV CHARACTERS SCI-FI Star wars The last jedi Meet the SCI-Fi heroes of the next instalment Aliens•ROBOTS•Superheroes•Icons auniverseoflegends Digital Edition

CHARACTERS SCI-FI WelcometotheTop100GreatestSci-FiCharactersOfAllTime.You’reabouttoenter theultimatepersonalityclash.ThisisaTop100,wheretalkingcarsarepittedagainst mutatedmen;whererobottrucksjostleforthetoppositionwithaliensuperheroes; wherecyborgkillersbattleitoutwithpost-apocalypticrevolutionaries.So,whatmakes agreatsci-ficharacter?It’simpossibletoconstructaformula.Howdoyoucomparea droidwithacop?Amutantwithasupercomputer?Despitethemind-bogglinglistof charactersthegenrehastooffer,certainnamesdocropupagainwhenyouasksci-fi fanstonametheirfavourites.Whilegenreboundariesarealwaystrickytodefine,we triedasmuchaspossibletostickwithpredominantlysci-ficharacters,asopposedto predominantlyfantasycharacters.Sci-fifanscouldarguethesethingsforaneternity, butsomeonehastomakethedecisionbeforethen.Whichiswhatwedid.

Future Publishing Ltd Richmond House 33 Richmond Hill Bournemouth Dorset BH2 6EZ %+44 (0) 1202 586200 Editorial Editor Amy Best Art Editor Ali Innes Editor In Chief Jon White Senior Art Editor Andy Downes Cover Illustration The Red Dress Images Allstar, Kobal, Rex, Getty and BBC All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and respected Advertising Media packs are available on request Commercial Director Clare Dove clare.dove@futurenet.com International International Licensing Director Matt Ellis matt.ellis@futurenet.com Circulation Circulation Director Darren Pearce 01202 586200 Production Head of Production US & UK Mark Constance Production Managers Keely Miller, Nola Cokely, Vivienne Calvert, Fran Twentyman Production Project Manager Clare Scott Advertising Production Manager Joanne Crosby Digital Editions Controller Jason Hudson Management Commercial Finance Director Dan Jotcham Creative Director Aaron Asadi Art & Design Director Ross Andrews Printed by William Gibbons, 26 Planetary Road, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13 3XT Distributed Worldwide by Marketforce, 5 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HU. % 0203 787 9001 www.marketforce.co.uk We are committed to only using magazine paper which is derived from responsibly managed, certified forestry and chlorine-free manufacture. The paper in this magazine was sourced and produced from sustainable managed forests, conforming to strict environmental and socioeconomic standards. The manufacturing paper mill holds full FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification and accreditation Disclaimer All contents © 2017 Future Publishing Limited or published under licence. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be used, stored, transmitted or reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of the publisher. Future Publishing Limited (company number 2008885) is registered in England and Wales. Registered office: Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA. All information contained in this publication is for information only and is, as far as we are aware, correct at the time of going to press. Future cannot accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. You are advised to contact manufacturers and retailers directly with regard to the price of products/services referred to in this publication. Apps and websites mentioned in this publication are not under our control. We are not responsible for their contents or any other changes or updates to them. This magazine is fully independent and not affiliated in any way with the companies mentioned herein. 100 Greatest Sci-Fi Characters Of All Time Third Edition © 2017 Future Publishing Limited bookazine series Part of the & CHARACTERS SCI-FI

100Mork 8 99 Davros 9 98 Walter Bishop  10 97 Aliens 10 96 Bender  11 95Mace Windu  11 94 KITT  12 93Khan 14 92Dr Robert Ford  14 91 John Crichton 15 90 Morpheus  16 89BB-8  16 88 Leeloo  17 87 Katniss Everdeen  17 86Baymax 18 85Chewbacca  18 84 Lady Penelope  19 83 G’Kar  21 82Londo  21 81Avon  22 80 Aeryn Sun 22 79 Servalan  23 78 WALL-E  23 77 Caesar  24 76Seven-Of-Nine  26 75 Marvin  26 74 River Tam  27 73 The Fantastic Four  28 72 The Master  29 71 Worf  30 70 Ava  30 69Number Six  (Battlestar Galactica)  31 68DoctorEmmett Brown 32 67Bill & Ted  34 66 Groot  34 65 Roy Batty  35 64 Professor Bernard  Quatermass  35 63 Gort 36 62Darth Maul  36 61Barbarella  37 60 Captain Jack  Harkness  38 59 Kryten  39 58 Thor  40 57Kylo Ren  42 56 Starbuck  43 55 Daleks  44 54Rose Tyler  45 53 Mal Reynolds  46 52Dave Lister  48 51Arnold Rimmer  49 50 Frankenstein’s  Monster  50 49 HAL  50 48Data 51 47 Sarah Jane Smith  52 46 Professor X  53 45 Optimus Prime  54 44 Uhura  55 43 Robby the Robot  56 42 Magneto 57 41 Steve Austin  58 40 Number Six  (The Prisoner)  59 39 Godzilla  60 38Maria  64 37 The Predator  64 36 Judge Dredd  65 35 ET 66 34 Flash Gordon  68 33 Hulk  72 32Obi-Wan Kenobi  73 31Rick Deckard  74 30 Yoda  76 29 Nick Fury  78 28 Peter Venkman  79 27 C-3PO  80 26 Boba Fett  81 25 Neo 82 24Luke Skywalker  83 23 Captain America  84 22Sarah Connor  85 112 128 116 12611 ContentsSci-Fi’s Greatest Characters 6 | The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME THE 100 GREATESt SCI-FI CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME

21 The Joker  86 20 Marty McFly  88 19Mad Max  90 18 Wolverine  92 17 Mulder & Scully  94 16 Jean-Luc Picard  98 15 Wonder Woman 100 14R2-D2  102 13 RoboCop 104 12 Iron Man  108 11Batman  110 10 Princess Leia  112 9Spider-Man  114 8Ellen Ripley  116 7The Terminator  120 6James T Kirk  124 5Superman  126 4Darth Vader  128 3The Doctor  130 2Spock 134 1 Han Solo  138 Extras & Special Features KITT Car 12 Weexploreallthespecialfeaturesonthe mostpimpedrideever Thor: Actor Interview 40 ChrisHemsworthonplayingagodinasci-fiworld Mal Reynolds: Actor Interview 46 NathanFilliononkeepingtheuniverseshiny The Origins Of Godzilla 62 Alookbackatthefilmthatcreatedthelegend The Origins Of Flash Gordon 70 Hesavedeveryoneofus,incomicsaswellasonfilm RoboCop Vs Judge Dredd 106 Whoisthegreatestlawenforcerofthefuture? The Future Star Of Star Wars 142 WhowillbecometheiconiccharactersinthenewStar 37 94 120 142 108 104 The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME | 7

Biodata Firstappearance HappyDays(1978) ButMainlyin Mork&Mindy(1978-1982) Portrayedby RobinWilliams Bestmoment Morktryingtogetachickeneggtofly. Knowntosay “Nanunanu”,“Shazbot” Whyhe’sGREAT MorkfromOrkstartedlifeasaone-off characterinadreamepisodeof HappyDays.Thelunaticenergyof then-unknownRobinWilliams(a producerquippedthathewasthe onlyalienwhoauditionedforthe role)resultedinthedreamaspect beingretconnedandMorkgettinghis ownshow.ForfourseasonsMork flatsharedwithMindyandreported backtohisbossOrsononthewaysof Earthlings.Itwasbasicallyanexcuse forWilliamstotakehisobservational comedyandad-libbingtobizarre extremes,butitworkedbrilliantly. ddpUSA/REX/Shutterstock “Fly, bob! be free!” Mork 100Heistheegg-man 8 | The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME THE 100 GREATESt SCI-FI CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME

99TheDaleks’daddy “Welcome to my new empire Doctor” Biodata Firstappearance DoctorWho“GenesisOfThe Daleks”(1975) Portrayedby MichaelWisher;DavidGooderson; Terry Molloy;JulianBleach(pictured) Bestmoment Comingoverallorgasmicwhenhe respondstotheDoctor’stheoretical questionaboutwhetherhe would releaseavirusthatcouldkillalllifein the universe –ofcoursehewould! Knowntosay “Thatpowerwouldsetmeupabovethe gods!ANDTHROUGHTHEDALEKS, I SHALLHAVETHATPOWER!” Whyhe’sGREAT He’sthecreatoroftheDaleksand his bodyappearedtobekeptalive as muchbypurehatredasbythelife- supporttechinhiswheelchair.He’s onlyappearedahandfuloftimesin theshowover40years,buthisstatus asthenewDrFrankensteinhasbeen trulycementedinthepublicpsyche. Davros The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME | 9 BBC

97 98 Notonguesplease Biodata Firstappearance Alien(1979) AKA Xenomorph Portrayedby BolajiBadejoinAlien,CarlToopinAliens andTomWoodruff,JrinallAlienfilms afterthat Bestmoment BurstingfromKane’schestbefore escapingfromtheroom. Didyouknow? Whendesigningthecreatures,H.R.Giger purposelygavethealiensnovisibleeyes ashefeltitwouldbefarmorefrightening ifyoucouldn’ttellwhethertheywere actuallylookingatyouornot. Whyit’sGREAT WhatmadetheXenomorphterrifying intheoriginalfilmwasthatwenever sawthewholecreature.Our imaginationsmadeitouttobeworse thanitprobablywas.Laterfilms wouldundothis,butthey’vekepttheir menacingpresence. Biodata Firstappearance Fringe(2008) AKA Walternate Portrayedby JohnNoble Bestmoment Atrippy,MontyPython-styleanimated dreamsequence. Knowntosay “Titaniumtetrachloride… youslytemptress.” Whyhe’sGREAT TherearetwosidestoWalterBishop, literally.Inourworldhe’sthecrazy oldprofessorwhosebrainshavebeen friedbydrugsandpersonaltragedy. Thiscanmakehimasmuchofa hindranceasahelptotheFringeteam anditsinvestigations.Thenthere’s WalteronanalternateEarth (‘Walternate’)–theruthless US secretaryofdefense,totallyin commandofallhisfacultiesaswellas amuchmoresinisterFringedivision. Theydon’treallygetonthatwell. The Aliens Walter BishopDoubletrouble 20thCenturyFox/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock 10 | The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME THE 100 GREATESt SCI-FI CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME

96 He’s40%puresci-figoodness Biodata Firstappearance StarWarsEpisodeI:The PhantomMenace(1999) Portrayedby SamuelLJackson Bestmoment BeheadingJangoFett. Knowntosay “WemustmovequicklyiftheJediOrder istosurvive” Didyouknow? MaceWinduhadapurplelightsaber becauseSamuelLJacksonaskedGeorge Lucastogivehimone.Jacksonwanted Macetobeeasilyspottableinthearena fightsceneinAttackOfTheClones. Whyhe’sGREAT MaceWinduwasanamebeforehe wasacharacter.GeorgeLucas consideredmakinghimthenarrator oftheoriginaltrilogyorLeia’s brother.Eventuallyhebecame“the secondbaddestJediintheuniverse nexttoYoda”(SamuelLJackson’s words)intheprequeltrilogy. Biodata Firstappearance Futurama(1999) AKA BenderBendingRodríguez,Bending Unit 22,unitnumber1,729,serial number 2716057 Voicedby JohnDiMaggio Bestmoment EitherhisconversationwithGodwhen he’sfloatingthroughspaceorhispimp strutfromcourt. Knowntosay “Bitemyshinymetalass” Didyouknow? MattGroeningsaystheideaforFuturama cametohimwhilelisteningto“Robot Blues”byTheIncredibleStringBand. Whyhe’sGREAT Futurama’spotty-mouthed,lecherous, cigarsmoking’botwastheHomer SimpsonofMattGroening’ssci-fi sitcom.Lewd,crudeandirritatingto know,heoccasionallyletsslipamore thoughtful,caringsidethatsuggests hisusualbelligerenceisafront. 95AddingsomeseriouscooltotheJedicouncil Mace Windu Bender The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME | 11

You know you wanted one… 94H e was the ultimate KITT car, a ride so pimped that Q would be jealous. KITT started life as the high tech, four-wheeled steed of Michael Knight (David Hasselhoff) in the ’80s series Knight Rider. Part Pontiac, part cylon (at least that’s what you have to assume from the little red light that went back and forth on his bonnet) KITT could even talk. Together man and car took on the bad guys each week where “direct action might provide the only feasible solution” as long as that direct action involves lots of revving, leaping and burning rubber. Here’s our guide to the (ridiculous number of) special features on the original ’80s car. The car’s the star K.I.T.T. Two-Wheel Ski Drive Traction Spikes Tyres KITT can deflate and reinflate his tyres High-Traction Drop Downs Hydraulically raise KITT’s chassis for better traction when driving off-road Grappling Hook Flame Throwers Smoke Screen/Oil Jets Under the rear bumper Winch In a compartment behind the tail-light plate Convertible Roof (from 1985 onwards) Body Panels Made from “Tri-Helical Plasteel 1000 molecular bonded shell” armour coating. This is finished with Pyroclastic Lamination, a thermal-resistant layer that can withstand temperatures of up to 800°C THE 100 GREATESt SCI-FI CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME 12 | The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME

Biodata Firstappearance KnightRider(1982) Fullname KnightIndustries2000(1982series); KnightIndustries3000(2008series) Portrayedby A1982PontiacFirebirdTransAmwith thevoiceofWilliamDaniels(1982 series); a2008-2009FordShelbyGT500KRwith thevoiceofValKilmer(2008series) Bestmoment KITTcollidinginmid-airwithhis eviltwin,KARR. Knowntosay “Whenyou’reone-of-a-kind, companionshipdoesnotcompute.” Didyouknow? WilliamDaniels,thevoiceof the originalKITT,playedDustin Hoffman’scharacter’sdadin The Graduate. Olfactory Sensor Enables KITT to smell. Tear Gas Launcher Fire Extinguisher Rotating Licence Plate Anamorphic Equalizer KITT’s front-mounted scan bar enables KITT to “see”, including in X-ray and infrared. This is KITT’s most vulnerable area Headlights KITT’s headlights can flash red and blue like police lights, and he has a siren too Parachute Microscanners Tiny audio and visual sensors embedded into the grooves of KITT’s body enable KITT to visually track anything around him Etymotic Equalizer Enables KITT to hear Self-Tinting Windows K.I.T.T. FEATURES (2000 model) •Super Pursuit Mode – pimped up from 1985 conversion onwards. •KITT was essentially an advanced supercomputer on wheels. The “brain” of KITT was the Knight 2000 microprocessor which is the centre of a “self-aware” cybernetic logic module that allowed KITT to think, learn, communicate and interact with humans. •KITT’s reaction time is one nanosecond. •KITT’s memory capacity is 1,000 megabits (125MB – you can get more memory on a cheap MP3 player these days). •Alpha Circuitry – never fully explained. •KITT is powered by the Knight Industries turbojet with modified afterburners and a computer controlled eight-speed turbodrive transmission. •Goes from 0-60mph in two seconds. •Voice Synthesizer – KITT can speak fluently in a number of languages. •Silent Mode – for stealth work. •Ultramagnesium Charges – useful for diverting heat-seeking missiles. •Microwave jammer – for knocking out electronic systems. •Surveillance Mode – multi-purpose tracker (bordering on magic). •Electromagnetic hyper-vacuum disc brakes give a 14-foot braking distance at 70mph. •Bomb Sniffer. •Medical Scanner – including an electrocardiograph (ECG). •Fuel Processor – enables KITT to run on any combustible liquid. •Voice Stress Analyser. •Seat Ejection System. •Ultraphonic Chemical Analyser •Interior Oxygenator – useful if KITT is submerged underwater. •Third Stage Aquatic Synthesizer – enables KITT to drive on water. •Vacuum – KITT can expel all breathable air from the driver compartment. •Sub Zero – KITT can release cryogenic gases and “flash freeze” the driver compartment. •Sleep Gas – KITT can release a gas into the interior of the car that renders people inside unconscious. •Comm link to maintain remote contact with the driver. •KITT is programmed to protect his designated driver at all costs, as well as all human life. •Homing device. UniversalTV/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME | 13

92 93Grudgedread Androidinventor Biodata Firstappearance Westworld“TheOriginal”(2016) Portrayedby SirAnthonyHopkins Bestmoment ShowingParkDirectorTheresaCullen justhowmuchofWestworldhecontrols duringadinnerdate.Shecanfighthimif shewants,butshe’lllose. Knowntosay “Everythinginthisworldismagic... excepttothemagician.” Whyhe’sGREAT Ford is a character who sneaks up on you. At first you think you’ve got him nailed – he’s the genius creator of Westworld who’s slowly being pushed out of his Park. Then you discover he has teeth. For much of the show he’s the big bad, Dr Frankenstein to his creations, but eventually it becomes clear that he’s really their saviour. Does that mean all is forgiven? You decide. Biodata Firstappearance StarTrek“SpaceSeed”(1967) AKA KhanNoonienSingh Portrayedby RicardoMontalbán(originalStar Trek,TheWrathOfKhan),Benedict Cumberbatch(StarTrekIntoDarkness) Bestmoment StalkingtheEnterprisethroughthe MutaraNebula. Knowntosay “Letthemeatstatic.” Whyhe’sGREAT Hewasthepower-crazy,genetically engineeredsuperhumansurvivorof theEugenicsWarsawokenfrom suspendedanimationbyCaptainKirk. Theydidn’tgeton.Kirkmarooned himandhismatesonCetiAlphaV, hopingthat’dbethelasthe’dseeof them.Nosuchluck.YearslaterTeam KhanseizescontrolofaFederation shipandtracksdownKirkforadeadly reunion.Inanalternateuniversehe lookslikeSherlockHolmes. dr robert ford Khan THE 100 GREATEST SCI-FI CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME 14 | The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME

91 J ohn Crichton was Buck Rogers with a dirtier mind and a geekier frame of reference. He was an astronaut who found himself (via a wormhole) not in the 25th century but in a bizarre corner of the universe with the freakiest- looking aliens ever (designed by Jim Henson’s Creature Shop in the real world). He joined a bunch of criminals and rebels on a mysterious spaceship fighting against an evil regime which was all very clichéd except… Crichton’s self-aware attitude towards the weirdness around him put a refreshing new spin on everything. He was one of the most relatable sci-fi heroes ever, wondering if he’ll get home before Buffy is axed. He also spent a good while with a virtual version of the show’s main villain, Scorpius, in his brains; typically he decided to nickname him Harvey after the imaginary rabbit from the movie of the same name. Theastronautwhoflewintothemiddleofacreaturefeature In one episode Crichton wakes up in women’s clothes in the middle of an alien red light district… It was that kinda show Biodata Firstappearance Farscape(1999) Portrayedby BenBrowder Bestmoment Almostanentireseasonwhenthere weretwoversionsofCrichtonflying aroundtheFarscape-verse. Didyouknow? BenBrowder’swife,Francesca Buller, playedfourdifferentroles in Farscape,andeachtimeshewas oneofCrichton’senemies. “welcome to the federation Starship SS Buttcrack” The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME | 15 Crichton

89 90 TheMatrixrevolutionary Theyseehimrollin Biodata Firstappearance StarWars:TheForceAwakens(2015) AKA Beebee-Ate Portrayedby BillHaderandBenSchwartz bestmoment PoppingoutalighterandgivingFinna high-five. didyouknow? AllofBB-8’sequipmentiskeptinsidesix panelsarounditsbody.Eachpanel containsadifferenttoolorportsuchasa lighter,holoprojectororarcwelder. Whyhe’sGREAT Itwasclearfromthemomentthat hewasrevealedthatBB-8wouldbe thebreakoutcharacterfromthenew StarWarsfilms.Hewasastarbefore thefilmevencameout.Partofwhat makesBB-8socoolisthefactthatit isapracticaleffect;hewouldhave lostalotoflusterifthedroidturned outtojustbeacomputer-generated effectlikeinpreviousStarWarsfilms. Biodata Firstappearance TheMatrix(1999) Portrayedby LaurenceFishburne Bestmoment EitherteachingNeoallabouttheMatrix inthefirstfilmorthestupidlylongfight atopamovinglorryinTheMatrix Reloaded.Coolfordifferentreasons. Knowntosay “Remember,allI’mofferingisthetruth; nothingmore.” Whyhe’sGREAT Yoda,Splinter,MrMiyagi,Spockand Shaftallrolledintoone,Morpheus wasmentortoNeointhewaysofthe Matrix.HebroughtaZen-stylecalmto teachingMrAnderson,asifbeingable tofly,walkupwallsanddodgebullets wereasexcitingasspreadsheets. Hewasalsoapopularherotothe Matrix-dodgingdenizensofZion, andseriouslyknewhowtorocka three-quarter-lengthleathercoat. Infact,thatwasprobablythemost vitalpieceofadvicehehandedon. BB-8 Morpheus 16 | The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME THE 100 GREATESt SCI-FI CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME

88 Elementofsurprise Biodata Firstappearance TheHungerGames bySuzanneCollins(2008) AKA KatnissEverdeen,theMockingjay,the GirlOnFire Portrayedby JenniferLawrenceinTheHungerGames movies(2012-2015) Bestmoment P***ingoffthepresidentbynotonly winningtheHungerGamesbutgetting theruleschangedsotherecanbetwo winnersandsavingPeeta. Knowntosay “MynameisKatnissEverdeen.Whyam Inotdead?Ishouldbedead.” Whyshe’sGREAT Shestartedoutasareluctant contestantonadeadlyrealityshow andendedupbringingdownanevil regime.Shemadearcherypopular. Sherockedthemostoutrageous gownsinSFhistory.Andshemadeall theboyslooklikeabunchofwimps. Biodata Firstappearance TheFifthElement(1997) Portrayedby MillaJovovich AKA LeelooMinaïLekatariba-Laminaï-Tchaï EkbatdeSebat(yes,thatisherfullname) Bestmoment CrashingthroughtheroofofKorban Dallas’yellowtaxicabafterjumpingfrom aledgetoescapethepolice. Knowntosay “LeelooDallasmul-ti-pass.” didyouknow? ThelanguageLeeloospeaksinthefilm wascreatedbythefilm’sdirector,Luc Besson.HeandJovovichwouldspeak andwriteletterstoeachotherinthis fictionallanguageaspractice. Whyshe’sgreat Describedasthe‘perfect’being,sheisn’t portayedasadivineperson;she’squirky, funnyandshowsemotion,whichmakes hermorerelatableandlikeable.She’sa badasstoo,abletoburstoutofher containmentpodwithasinglepunch. 87Thisgamebirdwasamockingjay Katniss Leeloo The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME | 17

85 Yourflexiblefriend LettheWookieewin Biodata Firstappearance StarWarsEpisodeVI:ANewHope(1977) Portrayedby PeterMayhew(StarWarsEpisodesIII-VII) Bestmoment CapturingtheAT-STduringthebattle for EndorinReturnOfTheJedi. Knowntosay “Nowrrrrragh!” Whyhe’sGREAT Han’sbestmate,ora“walking carpet”asLeiacalledhim.Anativeof theplanetKashyyyk,Chewbaccawas aWookieeofaround200yearsold when hefirstteamedupwithSolo. ChewieisanotheroneofthoseStar Warscharacterswhooozes personalityeventhoughyoucan’t understanda wordhe’ssaying.Y’see that’swhere Lucaswentwrongwith JarJarBinks–heinsistedongiving himdialogue.AndasHarrisonFord said, “George,youcantypethis shit, but youcan’tsayit!”Chewie is charming.Evenhisgruntingiscute. Biodata Firstappearance Sunfire&BigHero6#1(1998) FirstFilmappearance BigHero6(2015) Portrayedby ScottAdsit(voice) Bestmoment Usinghisrocketfistforthefirsttime. Knowntosay “Flyingmakesmeabettercareprovider.” Whyhe’sGREAT ThemovieBaymaxisverydifferent fromthecomicversionandawhole lotmoreinteresting.Thefilmmay be namedafterthesuperteambut Baymaxistheundisputedstar. An inflatablemedicaldroid(think:a rubberversionofStarTrek:Voyager’s EmergencyMedicalHologram),he’s givenanarmouredexoskeleton upgradebyateenageelectronics prodigycalledHiro. He’scuteand bad-ass;funnyandformidable;weird butcool.Shamehe’snotapartofthe officialMarvelCinematicUniverse. WedemandacrossoverNOW! Chewbacca Baymax86 18 | The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME THE 100 GREATESt SCI-FI CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME

The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME | 19 84T he problem with the Tracy Brothers in the original Thunderbirds is that they were pretty interchangeable. Arguably, their vehicles had more personality than they did. But Thunderbirds did give us one human (well, puppet) character who left an impression: International Rescue’s UK agent, Lady Penelope. Sure, she had a high-tech vehicle too, but this peer of the realm was never outshone by the bonnet of her pink Rolls. The height of sophistication, with the elegance and style of a ’50s film starlet, she went into action alongside trusted butler Parker and never lost her cool. She even recorded a single about her trusted aide, “Well Done, Parker”, but she never became a pop star. Sophia Myles’s take on Lady P was far and away the best thing about the disastrous 2004 film. And now we have an all-new CG version, carrying the pristine champagne glasses into the 21st century. AddingatouchofclasstoInternationalRescue How to freak out your guests: dress to match the large picture of yourself hanging on the wall Biodata Firstappearance Thunderbirds(1965) AKA LadyPenelopeCreighton-Ward Portrayedby SylviaAnderson(voice,originalTV show);SophiaMyles(2004film); RosamundPike(voice,2015TVseries) Didyouknow? FAB1,herpinkRolls-Royce,was inexplicablyswappedforahideously uglycustomisedFordforthe2004 film.Atleastitstillhadsixwheels. “get the rolls-RoycE – WE’re going for a little ride” Lady Penelope

20 | The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME THE 100 GREATESt SCI-FI CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME 83 Prophet motive G’Kar Biodata Name G’Kar Firstappearance Babylon5(1994) Portrayedby AndreasKatsulas Bestmoment Apartfromhisnobilitythroughouthis captureandtorturebythemadCentauri EmperorCartagia,itwaswhenhewrote theDeclarationofPrinciplesforthe InterstellarAlliance. Knowntosay “Narns,Humans,Centauri…wealldo whatwedoforthesamereason:because itseemslikeagoodideaatthetime.” Didyouknow? MaleNarnshavepoucheswherethey lookaftertheirnewbornsafterthe femalesgivebirthtothem.

The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME | 21 82 When two races go to war, B5 is all that you can score… L ondo and G’Kar; their animosity was legendary. Londo was a Centauri while G’Kar was a Narn and the two races had a longstanding grudge (the Centauri empire having occupied Narn at one point). So when both were appointed as Ambassadors to serve on Babylon 5 – a kind of UN in space – they were never going to get on. Especially when Londo tells G’Kar that he he’s had a vision that – ultimately – they would kill each other. In the end, they did, but by that point they had reconciled their differences and their deaths were actually a self-sacrifice to save others. Londo was the Victor Meldrew of Babylon 5, always complaining about something or other; G’Kar was the infuriating philosopher who seemed to see straight through people’s motives. Londo was blunt in his dealing with others: “Ah, arrogance and stupidity all in the same package. How efficient of you!”; G’Kar loved bamboozling them with purple prose: “We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away.” Londo became an Emperor; G’Kar became a prophet. It was an epic story arc for both of them but they’ll always be best remembered for their early, bitter verbal sparring most of all: Londo: “There, you see! I’m going to live.” G’Kar: “So it would seem. Well, it’s an imperfect universe.” Londo: “Bastard.” G’Kar: “Monster.” Londo: “Fanatic.” G’Kar: “Murderer.” Londo: “You are insane!” G’Kar: “And that is why we’ll win.” Londo: “‘Go be the ambassador to Babylon 5,’ they say. ‘Will be an easy assignment.’ Ah, I hate my life.” G’Kar: “So do I.” Londo: “Shut up!” Sail of the Centauri Londo Biodata Name Londo Firstappearance Babylon5(1994) Portrayedby PeterJurasik Bestmoment PullingoffhisplottokilltheCentauri Ambassador(thoughhisaideViractually doesthedeed),thentakingoveras PrimeMinisterandexecutingthe Shadows’ambassador,Morden. Knowntosay “Youhavethatvacantlookinyoureyes thatsays,‘Holdmyheadtoyourear:you willhearthesea!’” Didyouknow? Londohadsixpenises,atleastone ofwhichwasprehensile(heusedit tocheatatpoker).

80 Not-so-trustedleader Peacekeeperdefector Biodata Firstappearance Farscape(1999) Portrayedby ClaudiaBlack Bestmoment Droppingherownmothertoherdeath fromaskyscraperbalcony. Knowntosay “Butshootingmakesmefeelbetter” Whyshe’sGREAT AerynSunwasthehard-as-nails, leather-cladSebaceanPeacekeeper whoturnedagainstherold employeesandthrewherlotinwith therebelsonthesentientshipMoya. TheshemetJohnCrichton,and instantlyloathedhim.Fourseasons, onemini-seriesandahellofan emotionaljourneylatershemarried himandtheyhadason.Itwasthe mostcompellinglovestoryinSFever, andyetsheneverbecamejust“the loveinterest”.Thiswarriorremained hetownwomanthroughout–itwas a marriageofequals. Biodata Firstappearance Blake’s7seasonone,episodetwo(1978) Portrayedby PaulDarrow Bestmoment ShootingBlakeinthefinalepisode. Knowntosay “Blake…I’mfinished.Stayingwithyou requiresadegreeofstupidityofwhich Inolongerfeelcapable.” Whyhe’sanicon Lookup“anti-hero”inthedictionary andyou’llprobablyfindapictureof Avon.Duplicitousandself-serving, theconvictedhackerandembezzler spenttwoseriesbeingamajorpainin Blake’sbackside.Hemainlyseemed tostaypartofthecrewbecausebeing ontheLiberator,themostpowerful shipintheuniverse,wasthebestway toavoidcapturebytheFederation. WhenBlakevanished,Avonbecame therebel’sreluctantleader,his trustworthinessnothelpedbythe factheappearedtohavethehots for theirarch-nemesis,Servalan. Aeryn Sun Avon 81 22 | The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME THE 100 GREATESt SCI-FI CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME

79 BBC Evilwithanoperaticdresssense Biodata Firstappearance WALL-E(2008) Portrayedby BenBurtt(vocalperformance) Bestmoment Hisbreathtakinglybeautifulballetin spacewithhisnew-foundloveEVE. Knowntosay “Eeeeeev…ah!” Whyhe’sGREAT Fewscreenrobotshaveamilionthof thepersonalityofWALL-E,whichisall themoreimpressivebecauseWALL-E displaysamorelimitedvocabulary thanArnieinTheTerminatorin additiontospendingagreatdeal of themovieonhisown.Evenbefore EVEarrivesandstealshismetalheart, hischeerytenacityashetriestotidy upadesertedEarthburiedintrash winstheheartsoftheviewers.He’s as funnyandengagingasanyofthe greatestslapstickstarsofthesilent era.Andhemakesanoiselikean AppleMacwhenhereboots.Sweet. Biodata Firstappearance Blake’s7,seasonone,episodesix(1978) AKA CommissionerSleer Portrayedby JacquelinePearce Bestmoment SnoggingAvon. Knowntosay “Wherethere’slifethere’sthreat.” Whyshe’sgreat Asthearch-nemesisofBlakeand hisnumerically-challengedrebels, Servalanputtheoperaintospace operawithincreasinglyarchitectural costumesandaperformancethat putsallotherdivastoshame.A textbooksociopathwhowould destroyaplanettoadvanceher ambitionsandhappilyusesexasa weapon,sherosethroughFederation rankstobecomePresident.Sadlyher empirecollapsedsoonafter.Shecould neverworkoutifshewouldratherkill orkissAvon,andspentalotoftime andenergyattemptingtodoboth. 78 Romanticrubbishrobot WALL-E Servalan The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME | 23

THE 100 GREATEST SCI-FI CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME 24 | The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME I n the original Planet Of The Apes film series, Caesar was born Milo in 1973, the son of Cornelius, the intelligent ape who travelled back through time from the post-ape-ocalypse. In the more recent series he’s super-intelligent thanks to his mum being experimented upon by a scientist looking for a cure for Alzheimer’s. In both he’s the instigator of the ape revolution that leads to the fall of mankind. Roddy McDowall delivered a passionate and defining performance from under the latex as the first Caesar. Technology had moved on by the time it was Andy Serkis’s turn to go ape. The man who had been Gollum took CG performance-capture acting to new levels with his take on Caesar. By turns sympathetic and scary, he was the heart and soul of director Rupert Wyatt’s glossy 2011 reboot, and the bridge scene is his defining moment. Turning the tables on his human captors, Caesar leads an army of escaped chimps, gorillas and orangutans over (and under) San Francisco’s gridlocked Golden Gate Bridge to the safety of the forests beyond. While the humans panic, the animals move tactically – and mercilessly – knocking mounted policemen off their steeds and a helicopter out of the sky, before teaming up to use an overturned bus as a battering ram. The ape that changed the world “You are no ape!” Caesar

The100GREATESTsci-ficharactersOFALLTIME | 25 The traffic jams in this city were really getting out of hand 77Biodata Firstappearance EscapeFromThePlanetOf TheApes(1971)(asababy) AKA Milo Portrayedby RoddyMcDowallinConquestOfThe PlanetOfTheApes(1971),BattleForThe PlanetOfTheApes(1973);AndySerkis in RiseOfThePlanetOfTheApes(2011), DawnOfThePlanetOfTheApes(2014) &WarForThePlanetOfTheApes(2017) Bestmoment ThefirsttimehespeaksinDawnOfThe PlanetOfTheApes,saying,“No!” Didyouknow? RoddyMcDowallalsoplayed Caesar’sdadDrCorneliusinthe first threeApesfilms.